Reviews for Chrona Cosplays
Guest chapter 8 . 7/14/2018
HelpMeAllTheOTPs chapter 8 . 5/25/2016
Kidd13 chapter 8 . 11/29/2015
So what happen to the rest of the chapters? Please update if you can it's to good of a story to pass.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/27/2015
Kid as a pirate
NEKO8KIRONA chapter 8 . 10/13/2014
Hi I live ur fic omg yes pliz make an awsome proposal for kid pliz I who'd like if u dress crona in a sexy costume for kid lol or visa versa lol pliz continue don't give up I love the fic update soon Kay pliz (brings crona in bunny cosplay with cute eyes begingly) (/••\)
MLK chapter 8 . 9/22/2014
Good to see this stories not so dead! Since Kid's a gentleman he should do something classically romantic to propose. You fancy dinner, moon lit walk, pop the question in front of the academy(since where they first met is at the bottom of the ocean), but like the cosplay ideas that's just my opinion. As for his clothes... he wears a suit all the time! Can't get much better then that.
BeautyOfDeathTheKid chapter 8 . 7/30/2014
Well, to be honest, for some reason I think he should ask after he's cosplayed as something...but then I also think that maybe he should wear a suit...but that's what he always wears. Maybe, like, instead of asking her, he can wear a regular t-shirt, a white one, underneath a suit jacket, and have 'Crona, will you marry me?' painted in blue on the t-shirt.
Sephiroth Cresent-Valentine chapter 8 . 6/28/2014
Why not Kid dress-up as Alois Trancy or Sebastian from Black Butler. I mean just imagine those shorts on Kid!
Nekkou chapter 8 . 2/23/2014
hmmmm I guess... maybe if we knew if crona had her own thing she was into that would make it easier to think of ideas. I see the bulter idea being thrown around in the reviews and i honestly thin thats perfect, its gentlemanly and fits Kid. And Crona def looks at Kid as a kind and caring guy so yeah!
I guess a few others i could see Kid in is maybe a Teacher or vampire or something but those are just general things... The butler fits best for this situation
wrestlingfan438 chapter 8 . 2/23/2014
Having read the story the whole way through now, I can say that the story is pretty good. It does need a little touch-up in the grammar and spelling department, but the romance part is actually kind of cute. I do like how you have parts that focus on the actual relationship and how Kid feels about the relationship instead of just being all sex. As for how Kid should dress to propose, I agree with Fairylust and say he should go as a butler, as it will show he loyalty to her without being too obvious.
Fairylust chapter 8 . 2/22/2014
Lmol! I like that one moment where he hesitated and had me thinking he'd say no. However, now that Kid has procured the blessing of Crona's weapon I wonder what his next move will be as well as if there will be anymore smexy cosplay.

Personally, I think he should go for a groom's appearance. But then again, I doubt he'd want to tip her off so maybe something subtle like...I dunno...a butler? Something to do with supporting and serving her as a husband, maybe. That's just my idea and I don't presently have any good ones due to a math induced headache and a few hours of sleep deprivation.

Now, I'm enjoying this story and am so super happy you've updated, though I'm wondering if you're ending it early or not? I mean, I hate spoilers, but what's the plan? Will this be continued or not? I'd like to read more! It's so good!

Really, I know this chapter isn't long or anything, but it's still pretty good and I'm really interested in seeing how ppl vote on this, especially since there have been two full chapter without cosplay. I think some ppl will have more interesting ideas then I and am eager to see just what outfit wins the vote!
Fairylust chapter 7 . 2/22/2014
Awesome! I think I'll read ahead to see how well this goes.
I actually feel sorta bad for kid now, but...*fingers crossed*
Chabeli05 chapter 8 . 2/17/2014
Fairylust chapter 6 . 11/28/2013
Happy Thanksgiving! And I just wanted to wish you a wonderful holiday day! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2013
I'd be interested in seeing Crona as a witch, but then again I'd like to see Kid give cosplay a try. Hmm. Plz update this amazing story!
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