Reviews for Frozen
lita2extreme chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
wow great sequel. very intriguing. I think you might be able to pull out another sequel. Perhaps something like boone determinedly kept away from the bed whenever having sex with the courier. After about 6 months of this boone is finally ready to start wholly being with lola instead of just casual. Except by now lola is used to the way it's been and doesn't believe that it will change. I think you could pull it off beautifully. hope to read a sequel one day.
zombiegirl22 chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
I'm glad he found Lola. Love Lola's line when Boone finds her-"You found me,"

I like how Boone is slowly remembering how familiar Lola's body is to him-"Her cheek feels so familiar underneath his hand."

I also like how he is afraid that he hurt Lola, which shows he does care for her, not as much as Carla, but he does care whether he hurts Lola or not.

Though I am happy Lola cleared it up and told him he didn't hurt her.

Also like the line he tells her-"I think you're just fine for me".

Nice intimate scene between the two. I'm glad he didn't call out Carla's name.

Though I do sort of wish he would have taken up her offer of sharing the bed, but I understand why he didn't.

Really awesome sequel. I look forward to reading more fics from you.
LibertineQueen chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Great resolution! Also I love the Lolita name reference so so much.
Marskatr chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
D'aww. Poor Lola. w It seems sad, and cute, and kinda fucked up all at once. Which somehow makes is great, confusingly enough.
TheMerryWriter chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
I know this is strange, but is your courier called Lola Haze as in Dolores Haze from Lolita?

Also your story rocks :)
Fallon-Idalia chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
Poor Boone, he is so tortured!

I love your story, youve nailed Boone perfectly (insert girly giggle) - in my humble opinion!
TheLionTree chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
best Boone story yet. ;D