Reviews for Straight Razors and Prison Birds
JustACityBoi chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
I agree man, Dimitri is my classy dude with standards. I would die for that man!
I love the story, very wholesome
PokeSpeBanette chapter 8 . 11/14/2014
awwww this ain't been updated in nearly three years, and I really like it!
florence chapter 8 . 4/7/2012
part of me shipped dimitri/clive and part of me was sketchy about it until i found this fic! seriously though, this fic made me ship it so hard klsdjkgj.

i love the entire scenario because it's just so perfect for the two of them. and you really nailed their characters-i love it!

this pairing isn't very common and i haven't been able to find much fanwork for them, so this fic really satisfied my hunger, so to speak, haha. i can't wait to see more of it! it's fantastic. ;v;
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 8 . 11/9/2011
"Falling down the rabbit hole of insanity, you've done it before, Clive!"

LOL Fantastic. Oh~ why couldnt you tell of him going to Layton and just do his reaction XDD Itd be brilliant. OH! And why does it end on this chapter? I know its tough updating stories (believe me .) but Id love you so much more Mr/Ms Stranger if youd continue it T-T

Keep writing please!

Crimsonwitch626 chapter 7 . 11/9/2011
Hahaha! Dont worry, Id say everyones as nervous bout writing smut cept the pros who actually publish it and get paid IRL for it.

FINALLY the tension is attended to XD a bit. Not bad. I love it lots. Especially bout Clive wanting his hair loose... LOL. Not sure if Im looking forward to the end of this fic.
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 6 . 11/9/2011
Mmmm, finally I can review while knowing about the whole Luke and BASEBALL thing. XD Oh, well done. I laughed aloud at both the soup sentences XD DescoLayton! Wow, I was wondering which other enemy it could be aside from Clive and Dimitri... *evil thoughts*... hehe, delightful. The story moves a bit slow but its enough to suffice for those that hate waiting.
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 5 . 11/9/2011
Your own note sums it up. Soooo much sexual tension XD Makes me wonder how youll solve it. Or have solved it. *checks story date* My this is old o.o Well, Id appreicate reviews regardless of how old the story is, so no worries~

Bit short and "meh" this chapter compared to the rest, but it furthers the story so woot.

Crimsonwitch626 chapter 4 . 11/9/2011
*cruel cackles*

Oh the joys of awkward confessions AFTER the mutual kiss. Well played! And again, so in character its all the more delightful 3
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 3 . 11/9/2011
Teehee, piano...

*ahem* Just adding my bit. Loving the whole sexual tension thing Clive has going on XD
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 2 . 11/9/2011
First off, I think you did a little more than as necessary for Claire. I know I dont hate her despite her stealing Dimitri and Hershels hearts, but shes still not really a fully developed character like say Dimitri. I think she only existed to further the plot and give Hershel more background. So personally Id say you were oddly specific bout how she dressed and her personality.

Granted people change as they get older, I dont think it matches up with the girl who kept a straight face while saying goodbye to the man she loved.

Well, what do I know. It is called "FAN-fiction".

I like though. Hurray for Clive lol.
Crimsonwitch626 chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
I loooooooooooooove Dimitri! THANK YOU.

I hate how my favourite characters never have enough fanfics...

Hurray for big age gaps .~ Clives legal so you shouldnt get any complaints XD

Im only on the first chapter but I can already tell I like your writing style~ 3

Looking forward to reading on~

FlipperTheProfessor chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I shipped Clive and Dimitri. Then I read this.

Art Witch - Aka Mizu chapter 8 . 8/29/2011
Take your time, Sarah... just make it good.
Art Witch - Aka Mizu chapter 7 . 8/29/2011
The lemon's not bad, it's better than mine. Well, as they say, practice makes perfect!
Art Witch - Aka Mizu chapter 5 . 8/29/2011
Ha, I love the "full" title! Layton getting road rage? That's how my mom is! lawl
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