Reviews for Second Son
zookitty chapter 2 . 11/24/2007
aw more please!

Boromir is such a good brother
Shortnshort chapter 2 . 5/28/2004
Great Story
Mercury Gray chapter 1 . 1/15/2004
that's a very good reason for denethor hating his second born,though...very good. i like the bratty boromir. very acurate, methinks.
sparky8me2 chapter 1 . 1/10/2004
There's something gone funny with the formatting here, I can't make out parts of the story. Which is really sad because I would've liked to have read it.
Iris Lefay Longbottom chapter 2 . 6/26/2003
There are some interesting dynamics in the family relationships as you portray them, but the writing is somewhat uneven. Tolkien's style is difficult to match, with its blend of the older-British-colloquial and the formal, and you haven't quite caught the blend. Modern US colloquialisms are jarring. "Not a big deal," "excuse me" don't work alongside the more archaic phrasing you also use: "Nay, it is naught." At least you don't have them say "okay." MZBradley does a great job in TMOA of making people sound real but not modern. Interestingly, some of her other books don't do this as successfully. My favorite phrase in this story is your description of Faramir, "silent and secretive, observant and judgmental." That catches him dead on. Thanks for an interesting read.
Afea chapter 2 . 2/20/2003
This is good, though the writing could use a bit of improvement. Keep going!

Aragorn Elessar (stephanie)
greenleaf-in-bloom chapter 2 . 2/11/2003
I really liked this, but there were a couple little problems...not big ones, I just always try to point something out. Dumb habit, but there it is.

Why should I care about Arnor’s wars with Angmar, you have Boromir ask, but I'm sure it states somewhere that he had always enjoyed reading about the wars of any country.
Sonata Arctica89 chapter 2 . 12/24/2002
perfect story ( well atleast what you have done so far) Loved it :):):) please do everyone something good by writing more lol
Snitter in Rivendell chapter 2 . 9/29/2002
great chapter!

denethor was quite understandable in this chapter...good thing you don't just make him out to be the bad guy or something like that...

are you going to be continuing this? i would love to read more of it, even if it is just little episodes in boromir's and faramir's life


ps. i enjoyed this story so much i've added it in my please continue!
Snitter in Rivendell chapter 1 . 9/29/2002

an amzing start for your story...i really don't think it matters if you do not follow lotr history *exactly* as having finduilas die in childbirth sees to work well for your point of certainly *does* give denethor reason enough to hate faramir...

boromir was quite realistic (for a child) seems quite appropreate for him to want a brother and not a sister

and i can just imagine denthor saying 'that's my little heir of gondor' '-)

Cassandra Lunar chapter 2 . 9/15/2002
Poor Faramir, so stuck... poor kid...

Furius chapter 2 . 8/12/2002
Like, yet unalike..Wonderful portrayal of Denethor and his sons, espcecially of their characteristics. The scene is really well-done. Great job.
PossessedByTheSquirrels chapter 1 . 8/2/2002
Write more please...?
PossessedByTheSquirrels chapter 2 . 7/31/2002
NEATO! bwa hahaha
kezzer chapter 2 . 5/13/2002
not logged in but it is me! another great story about LOTR. Great reasoning as well. making good use of what the book says. did you know that in the silmarilion there's a denethor? he's an elf tho
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