Reviews for Death Is Now An Option
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
To borrow your words, I never thought I'd *read* a Miracle Day story, but this was a nice character study. This reasoning goes a long way toward explaining some of the characterization nonsense that was going on with Jack in that series, and you did a great job of openly acknowledging some of MD's flaws while still working within the frame of that story to create a believable and touching scene.
Alice Carter chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
This is very true to Jack's character. Heart-wrenching.
Izzfrogger chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Absolutely beautiful. I loved Jack's reasonings here (the self-deprication, the loneliness), in this extreamely important scene that could very much have happened in MD. A real treat to read. Thank you for writing and uploading! :)
canering chapter 1 . 3/14/2012
I really enjoyed this. I expected there to be a scene just like this in MD. We know that Jack, for the most part, regards his immortality as a curse. For decades, he wanted to be "fixed" by the Doctor. When he returns to TW after talking to the Doctor, he seems to accept his immortality, but only because he knows it's inevitable and inescapable. I assumed that his sudden mortality in MD would result in much more introspect and angst than we saw on screen, especially considering the events of CoE and his near-suicidal state in the House of the Dead. It would've been a great opportunity for more insight into his character. But Jack's "choice" over what to do about his new mortality was only given a cursory acknowledgment by the writers. I thought the transition from a depressed, lonely Jack that was unclear about whether he would end his life if he was given a choice (s1-3) to a Jack that embraced life and felt confident and proud of himself (s4) was a bit odd and lacked necessary context and development. By the end of the series, he's willing to fight and sacrifice even Gwen and her family for his right to survive. Which I always thought was a bit weird, you know, why was he so passionate about fighting Gwen when he may want to die anyway? Unless you consider that he simply wants to live and die on his terms - he doesn't want to be sacrificed by Gwen, or the Doctor, or Angelo, or any other person who has used and betrayed him. He wants to choose and control his life (lives) and death (deaths). Anyway I like your idea that he chooses to live as a sort of punishment or penance. The shipper in me also likes to think that he wanted to honor his promise to always remember Ianto, and death would have put a stop to the continued existence of his memory, since we know that in the TW-verse, death permanent nothingness. I also like to think that it was because of Ianto that Jack was able to come to terms with loving himself and other people, despite his immortality and inevitable grief. (Sorry that wasn't really a proper review - I got carried away.)
Yasu Min chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
I'll be honest and say I haven't watch Miracle Day. Still not sure if I am going to or not. It's a bit difficult for me to consider without my favourite character, Ianto, being there. And, that it doesn't all take place in Cardiff as it once did. I used to live in Cardiff and now I live in the states, so I don't like that transition in one of my favourite tele series :( I love watching Torchwood for the nostalgia... because everyone in Cardiff catches Aliens :D hahaha. What I've been trying to say through all this is what is your opinion of Miracle Day? I started watching the first episode. I'm a little more than half way through it and I'm just not feeling it. Though I do like the concept of Jack becoming Mortal as the whole world becomes essentially immortal. I don't think anything in your story has spoiled it for me. I've deduced all I can from the 35 minutes I've seen already. As I read your works, I feel that I would value your opinion on this subject because you have written good fanfiction that I feel could be plopped right into the programme :)

Oh I did like this story by the way. Jack being suicidal is a great image... am I wrong for thinking that? Hahah.
PitOfDespair too lazy to login chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Ianto Jones *sobs un-controllabley*

I actually wanted this to happen in MD, because the MD Jack wasn't the Jack we usually see. I don't think he was portrayed very well in MD, I preferred his character in CoE

This is really good, it's emotional and that's one thing MD was missing. Well done_
DarkwingDuckie chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
I think your story shows a way better characterization of Jack than MD. I really don't like MD and what they did to Jack's character but through your story I could see the "old" Jack that I love from Torchwood shine though. It made me cry and it was beautiful and brilliant!
ericasofia chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
Great piece of introspection. I just wish MD Jack was more like this or at least vaguely close to the Jack we know..
ohinyan chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Wonderful fic. My first thought after seeing episode 1 of Miracle Day was that, here was Jack's opportunity to avoid living to the end of the universe. Like you, if I was writing it, he would be really tempted to kill himself, worried that if he delayed he'd miss his chance and be condemned again to live forever.

But they will never go into that on the show. Thank you for writing it.
VeerWilde chapter 1 . 8/9/2011
One shot canon fics are so much more my cup of tea.

Jack angst has cheered me up. I don't know why I like seeing Jack so tortured but I take very sick pleasure in it.

Beautifully written, as always. x
izzfrogger chapter 1 . 8/5/2011
Awww, brilliant! :) I like the ideas of him feeling ancient, lonely, and being forced back into torchwood unwillingly (to an extent). The idea that he should punish himself by living, even though he's mortal he has little left to live for, was really interesting. :) Thanks for posting! ;)
brionyjae chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
Brilliant! :D It's been bothering me that they've hardly even hinted at the turmoil Jack must be going thru - except for that whole "going-to-a-bar-and-shag" thing... which I dunno, there was just something off about. But gosh, love the way you got into his head here! :) And OH I miss his Webley too! *sniffles* He's almost not Jack without his Webley...

The ending is perfectly spine-shivery. Phew. I can see the dark side of Jack saying EXACTLY this.

Great MD fic! :D Thank you my dear!
Harkpad chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
I liked this, overall! I do think Jack is feeling a bit of exhilaration to be working on something Torchwood-y again, at least the way that Barrowman is portraying it on the show, but I think this is a much more realistic characterization here. I have been annoyed that they are actually treating Jack's mortality lightly in terms of what it means to him personally. What would be wrong with a scene something like this (probably against another actor since it's hard to do the thought thing on tv) on the show? Coming back to your story, though, I thought it was well-written. Really. Thank you - there aren't enough MD fics out there yet, so I'm really glad you posted one!