Reviews for Digimon Adventure 03
Luckash chapter 54 . 10/26/2018
The more I read, the more I'm reminded of how much I liked your stories.

Also that ending to the story was just the perfect foreshadowing
Ykcor chapter 29 . 9/6/2017
I'm reading this for what is probably the fourth or fifth time and I keep catching more and more foreshadowing. Even the titles of the chapters and the enemy pairing... My mind is blown.
yashina chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
your all stories are very good. I think you should write digimon adventure 01 and 02 also in your style
Isabel Nightray chapter 54 . 1/14/2016
OK I just pass the last two days reading this an refrain to leave reviews in all of the chapters cuz it seemed kind of silly to yell at you guys for stuff that were finished. But here i am now.
I will start by saying i hate your parings. And i mean that lightly cuz u hinted a lot of parings and only end up with the one i hate the most: sorato. I hate that with the intensity of 1000000 suns. So i have to admit to skiping most of that cuz it made me through up. The kenyako was good but no mistery there. and nothing ever happend with koumi and takari. I mean had i read your fanfic only for paring i will be pissed to no end (i am a mimato writer for f sake.) But gladly that was not why i was reading.
I will start the good by saying i am impress. Impress of how pausible this all seemed. You guys really thought it through (except the ending. The ending sucks cuz I got pretty much little to no anweres but you said there would be another one so I will accept that) but the whole concept the whole plot was not only a very good sequel but emotionally satisfying. I never read fanfics that made me feel like I was watching digimon. So wow. Also your character development was flawless. Impressive to say the least. You made me like Iori. That has never happened, he became one of my favorites.
I am really hoping to read more form you guys. This was a joy to read.
Sorry for the long review. The possible miss spelled words (second language here). And greetings from Venezuela.
bobbyneko chapter 18 . 12/9/2015
twilightromance4ever chapter 54 . 12/3/2015
this was amazing. i loved how you out frontier in there. way cool!
chris miller chapter 53 . 9/29/2015
Gatomon so very cute female I like to feed her healthy food and give her a bath I like to stay up to watch movies I like to take care a female digimon that's all I could think.
CrestOfWifi chapter 54 . 8/29/2015
Wow these last two chapters were so long and good and intense!

Okay, so Mimi chose to stay in America, but decided against picking a boy and letting them run her future for her. Instead she's going to finish high school and then take this culinary internship that she's really excited for! Amazing! Go Mimi. Joe and Momoe, which is totally adorable, should have been obvious I suppose. They started the story together, and ended it the same way. I don't know much about Momoe, but I hope she's perfect for Joe! Any unresolved feelings between Tai/Sora/Matt are all wrapped up neatly and Sorato is on! I'm really glad everyone is enjoying themselves, and that Kurayami seems to be free from the darkness (at least for now) and that they saved the day (Even if they did have to say goodbye to their partners indefinitely) but have they all still forgotten Fanglongmon? This sounds like Dragomon all over again. Speaking of Dragomon, he was unresolved too! I guess I have a theory about what Digimon Adventure 04 is going to be about!

Also, poor TK. He finally realizes he has some feelings for Kari, but too late because if she ever had feelings for him they're not there now. She seems pretty interested with Willis. And Cody has faced his first heartbreak by a mean Noriko. I guess she wasn't really MEAN, because she can't force feelings that don't exist, but it's just so sad that she's into someone else when Cody was so caught up on her :(

No one particularly had a happy ending, though I suppose that is to be expected with the goodbye of their partners. I mean, no one was SAD, aside from perhaps TK, but the only happy-happy endings came in the form of Sorato and Miyaken who had full resolve of their plotlines. Mimi and Michael I'm sure are happy too of course.

Anyway, I really loved this story and can't wait to continue reading through the next stories! And also, Rei Saiba is being included? Are the others from V Tamer in this? Honestly I love them all so much, I can't wait to find out. :D
CrestOfWifi chapter 53 . 8/26/2015
Wow. Okay.

So many thoughts are going on right now, I'll try to keep it short.

-Davis had a nice gesture to TK, accepting that Kari doesn't love him the way he wants her to, and it was subtle enough to be kind, and obvious enough to hint that Davis/Kurayami is so on.
-Because of this gesture, the hope guided Kari and Kura to the light and we saw Ophanimon. I was surprised it wasn't Magnadramon, but pleased all the same.
-Kura has legitimate powers, which I wasn't aware of. That's awesome! Multiplying Mimi (which Mimi acted so Mimi-like to get out of, I laughed.) Resurrecting Demon Sora as a person demon for Tai, and shrouding herself in darkness as Kari always did the light. Super cool!
-Kura finally gets to go home, disobeying her master, who isn't Apocalymon apparently. I'm guessing Fanglongmon, because the chosen kids seem to have forgotten about him... Whoops!
-With Ken and Wormmon making their way to ultimate, that leaves Betamon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon as the only ones stuck at the champion level. Come on guys! You can catch up!
-Tai and Matt FINALLY resolved their issues enough to show courage and friendship, not just in their own way, but for each other and they fused and Omnimon made his way into the battle! That was brilliant and I was excited to see it!

And then Gennai tells them they have to go home? Indefinitely? What a bully. Their goodbye scenes were all very emotional, even when they were funny, and it was just really sad reading them but very touching in terms of character growth. The scenes resembled those in Adventure so closely, but seeing how each character has changed since then, well at least the first eight, it was very nicely done. Sad, but nice.
One more chapter to go!
CrestOfWifi chapter 52 . 8/24/2015
This was a good standard way to force the younger characters into a better understanding of their crests, and it was sad in a very different way to the previous chapters.

To Yolei, honor means to stand up for what others believe in instead of herself, and she'll need to find a common ground in there because she doesn't seem to like it much.

Cody crying just made me sad because he's trying so hard to be an adult like the others (who aren't even really adults) but he's only thirteen (?) and that's so young still. He may not still see everything as completely black and white, but understanding when to forgive someone and when not to is something *everybody* needs to learn, but forcing someone so young to come to terms with what it means to see every shade of grey is so harsh. It's basically forcing him to grow up and mature, which is what he wants, but doesn't realize he isn't ready for :/

Ken and Willis were pretty on point here though! With their direct definitions to what the crests mean, they certainly did a good job at helping the others to come to their understandings.

Michael's strength comes from within and he's coming to the understanding that he doesn't just have to be strong in the typical sense, but he has to never falter in who he is and stand firmly for everything that stands for peace, and that's something that would be so hard for ONE person to do!

And then of course Daisuke gets the obvious problems of needing to find the difference between being proud of yourself and being a proud person, which is challenging for a person who has very little humility as it is. But like I mentioned in a previous review, it seems that his proud nature is much more of an act than it is anything else. He doesn't want people to see that he might not believe in himself as much as he lets on, and so his humility is there, but not in a good way and oh everyone is so deep and complicated D:

But I am glad that everything worked out in the end! They all escaped and now everyone is ready to go face Apocalymon together, stronger than ever now that Sora got herself to mega ;)
CrestOfWifi chapter 51 . 8/24/2015
Okay, so this one was definitely interesting too!

While Kari wasn't specifically involved in Apocalymon's spell (because he appears to be working for the Sovereign's leader Fanglongmon, and he promised Kari to Dragomon?) she still had to live her biggest fear, which is the depression that leads her into that world in the first place. While there, she conveniently finds someone else to worry about, and she finds a way out of dealing with her problems, which she should really be doing, but we at least learn a bit about Kurayami (girl of darkness, who has the crest of darkness. I like where this is going!) and she doesn't seem to be much happier than Kari herself, but now we kind of see that while in the Dark Ocean she seems to be at peace and able to be herself without Apocalymon doing... whatever it is he seems to be doing to her. And Kari walked through a weird cave of memories and I can only assume those memories were of Kurayami's past. So her mother chose darkness for her daughter to keep her from getting hurt, which is a very deep and emotional decision to make, I'm sure.

Tai's nightmare (adorably) is that Kari was not in his life. He realizes that she is the most important person in his life, and he breaks free of the darkness Apocalymon (and Kurayami?) trapped him in, finds his way to the Dark Ocean and saves her, and their issues are resolved because they love each other! :D

Kari left the doors open though, and she was trying to be kind, but I feel like something worse might come from this... but I'm excited to see how Dragomon continues to fit into this story!
CrestOfWifi chapter 50 . 8/24/2015
Whooo! Go Sora and Biyomon!
I mean, and Matt and all that, and I'm happy for Sorato, but they got to mega! They did it!

Interestingly, Kura seemed to be helping Matt in this chapter, as apposed to making Mimi miserable in the previous one. I'm not sure what she's up to exactly, but I'm interested to find out.

And so Sora and Matt had really deep fears too. Matt's was kind of similar to that of Tk/Mimi, but not because he was afraid of people not caring anymore, he was more afraid that they would leave him in a permanent way, and he would feel like he could never open up again. He's a very thoughtful person but not particularly expressive and he's come such a long way with these people, and he fears that he wouldn't be able to ever do that again if he lost these people that he cares for but might never tell them he cares, even though it's clear that they know. But it's so sad that Tai didn't show up in his nightmare, because it means he's close to giving up on Tai if they can't find a resolve quickly.

Sora's fear was very simple but very sad. She is scared that she is not worthy of feeling love. She understands what it really means now, at least the basics, but she is scared that something so precious doesn't belong in her life. But with Matt and Biyomon there to show her that they care and love her and she digivolved all the way and it was great! I'm relieved to see that at least something is going well for the characters!
CrestOfWifi chapter 49 . 8/24/2015
So we have more of their deepest fears, which is still highly intriguing because Izzy for example isn't a particularly open person. Mimi always has been, but never has she expressed this side of her.

Izzy is so desperate for anything that can fulfill his desperation for knowledge and for something to ease his curiosity, and he was living in a make belief world in which he forgot the existence of everything outside of that. So his fear is that he will fall too far into what he loves, and lose the things that actually matter. He fears that he will lose control of himself. That's a fairly deep personal fear.

Mimi however is fearing the exact opposite. Not that she will forget her friends, but that they would forget her, or not need her any more. She cares so much about everyone, and worries that it might be pointless because they might not care for her the way she needs them to.

In other news, the girl in the cloak makes a real appearance finally! She seems a little dark, a little creepy and just a little bit broken! Kura, she calls herself... She doesn't seem very nice, I wonder what she has to do with Apocalymon and how she gets herself into Mimi's nightmare...
CrestOfWifi chapter 48 . 8/24/2015
So Patamon got to his mega form again, leaving Gatomon and Biyomon to be the only two who have yet to do so within an adventure, and Biyomon the only one who hasn't done so at all.

And this chapter was really interesting because Apocalymon is forcing character depth by being cruel. Showing their deepest fears is so deep and, well, sad. TK's biggest fear is that the dark entities from his past will return to seek revenge against him and his friends, and that just shows how deeply it affected him when they killed them, I mean, he was only a kid, so that's so sad in and of itself. He just wants to protect people and he wants assurance that he's doing the right thing with all of this pain he's causing.

Then Joe! So his mother is dead, and there's something there that makes him feel like it's his fault, and he misses her, so his biggest fear is to have to lose her again, and I'm sure that by extension that means he fears losing those that he holds closest to him. And that's just heartbreaking :(
CrestOfWifi chapter 47 . 8/24/2015
Okay, I was shocked to see Kari slap Tai! I don't blame her though... But I hope they can work out their issues soon. I would like to see them getting along.

And another mention of the girl in the black cloak, or perhaps another person that I'm not aware of just yet. That's exciting! And Apocalymon is back? That's horrible! No good news can come from him!

It was nice to see Michael narrating for a change though, he's pretty likeable from his own perspective for someone who everyone else seems to hate so much.
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