Reviews for The CrossDresser
Big Money Salvia chapter 1 . 3/18
Bounced on my boy's dick to this for hours.
Dumbrarere1 chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
I was honestly expecting Gumball and Nicole to talk about the punishment issue and have Gumball's clothes replaced with girly ones :/
Sarah chapter 4 . 8/11/2018
I think wanting to live as a girl, dress as a girl, and use girl pronouns is a bit more than cross dressing.
Yaw6113 chapter 4 . 6/22/2018
Please write a sequel to the story. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
WTF BL chapter 4 . 7/22/2016

So...this was an improvement, I guess. It's nothing great, but it does have fun with itself. The writing is okay, with mistakes here and there, but it's as bland as it's idea.

The story continues with Gumball, again, taking on the dress and fool people while hijinks take place. The problem is actually how boring the story gets. Its writing is better than most people would try to take on this idea, and the cast of characters aren't handled as poorly as others. But you're starting to see my pattern? It can't survive on its own without mention what people have been doing for a long time. Sure, this did come out first, but it doesn't excuse it for its lack of originality or lackluster of an ending, making this whole story pointless and as it is tastless.

What works okay is Gumball's character and the writing helps stand above others that try this idea.

But again, the flaws outweigh its advantages.

Overall, "The CrossDresser" offers a fair retrend of Gumball's antics with a fair amount of characterization to the source material. Unfortunately, it dulls back to becoming a simple rehash of an episode and offers nothing new or original and fails to bring the humor or the liveliness of what it inspired. 4/10.
Beastial Moon chapter 4 . 7/7/2016
You had a good story... and killed it with a sloppy ending and a bad attitude.
Human Emoji chapter 4 . 10/19/2014
I have always enjoyed your writing, but this is more ir less a bit of a lowpoint. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work well. The Crossdresser was a story that related both fun and awkward humor. I feel this has just gotten for something else and loses its value. I know fans will just be happy for continuing this, but this just insults me. A true fan knows where are the highlights and the lowpoints. Your highlight to me was The Dark Night Of The Soul. Sure, it has some incredibly dumb flaws like Gumball dying because of cat years. If so, why is Nicole still alive. The songs used the first time was to create an atmosphere of both lust and admiration and the last seemed dead. Here, it seems more and more like hush-hush comedy that fails to impress me and the idea of simply just fan fiction comedy. 1 out of 4 stars. Writing is okay, but really a huge disappointment. Does that mean you should stop? No. Improve. Like all writers, we improve om criticism. Sure, I have bad stories like Black-Cat, The First Blood, even I Killed Penny Fitzgerald to which I blunt my major themes in the story and now doing many rewrites I believe have a chance. You have a chance, Diego. Make us a My New Family YprocKcid-style. His story will be the highlight of our fan fiction archive because its compelling story used the environment it had and worked its way to believable characters and frightening potrayals of south-side students. I love that story, even with its flaws. But the illusion is so strong you don't notice it. I hope to become your critic for your work when you get big, and I hope you read my work. Hate-Abuse-Recovery is dedicated to you, using your intrepretation of Stephen and other small trademarks while maintaining my own.I hope you enjoy it. It's an original novel but I wanted it to procede it as a fan fiction novel. I hope you read it and come give me support as you became a major influence in my writing and career. I also want to talk about making your story about Gumball and Stephen in the pool a movie.I'm very serious. If you hear me out, I think it can be both an important movie and a breakthrough for us all. I'm not in it for money, but for the craft of art.
kalescape 3.0 chapter 4 . 10/16/2014
please don't tell me this is actually finished im sobbing
it doesn't say complete yet so
Striker Tj chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Lmao to hilarious
IchMussRaus chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
This kinda reminds me of some picture of Lexy Watterson that looked like she was a fanguy who tried to dress as her.

Weird stuff.

Anyways, I'm glad that some original people are still here.
WaterFront3000 chapter 4 . 10/14/2014
Swiggidy-swag-mother-swagger, Surprised to see you return after so long, yo!

Amazing chapter, and I can't wait to see you finish your other stuff, too!
Atlas the Wise chapter 4 . 10/14/2014
Hey YprocKcid! Great to see a classic TAWOG writer like you back. Short story, the archive has certainly gone downhill, done to death and is probably on its' last legs. To me, the archive is pretty much dead to me already.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Okay bitch! Prepare to apologize:
1. Teresa is the name of the british actress who does the voice for nicole (gumballs mom)
2. Bocquelet is the last name of the creator of the actual show. Ben Bocquelet is his full name.
Shocked? I know this shit cause I'm smart.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
if there's two things that annoyed me about the dress it's these

1: bobert thinking gumball was a girl (f bobert's smarter than anais when how come he's thinking gumball is a girl?)

2: anais not telling darwin about gumball's plan

i think ocho would know about gumball's plan but that's what i think
dagnytheartist chapter 3 . 5/1/2013
This is going great so far! I love how stupid everyone in the show is (except Anais... poor Anais has to live with these idiots).
My favorite part about this chapter (besides Gumball changing in the middle of the hallway) is the fact that Leslie, the kid that's most likely to be gay (at least I think so) was accused of trying to "take advantage of Teresa when (they're) both alone in the hallway."
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