Reviews for The Resident
Steeleye1 chapter 14 . 11/1/2018
Wow, that was heartbreaking. Well done!
raelle23 chapter 14 . 9/27/2016
Does Dean never get released? Because as long as he can be provern mentally stable in the future then he should be able to get out and just be subjected to mandatory mental evaluations. Furthermore, if Cas is visiting then his mental health should start rapidly improving. I love your story but him not getting out is going to bother me really bad
GoddessOfSweetness-Me chapter 14 . 1/27/2016
I... just. God. I'm crying now. This is just beautiful.
GoddessOfSweetness-Me chapter 8 . 1/27/2016
Oh crap, so Dean hadn't killed Meg.
GoddessOfSweetness-Me chapter 7 . 1/27/2016

LilKitten07 chapter 14 . 9/8/2015
I don't know how to feel about this. I... I think I need a minute. You are a Golden God.
LilKitten07 chapter 10 . 9/8/2015
Ohhhh shit, I get it. John's mistakes, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's mistakes in The Resident. I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner. That's awesome.
Jay chapter 14 . 11/4/2014
I have no idea how to feel. This was perfect, the way you wrote it. I just wish there was more. Like if Dean recovers and is This Cas real? Ugh, so many question but it us for sure that you have a realy talent here. Keep it up.
ambryah chapter 14 . 7/5/2014
This was... Riveting.

From the first part when Balthazar and Meg... I was hooked. I got so attached to these characters, completely amazing development by the way. Oh when Dean watched him in the bathroom... I cringed. And then Dean started acting all weird and I was like "no, I don't like stalker Dean. How will this turn around?"

Because I knew what Castiel didn't, that Dean had been watching him, and then they had dinner and the nervous energy and I literately was like "I'm not feeling this... Something's wrong." And I thought it was the writing that is wasn't coming across genuine. "But the witing has been so real so far, so true to the characters" and then I kept reading and my heart kept breaking and I hated it, absolutely hated it, but loved it all the same.

And then the scratches on Deans arms... Impressive use of foreshadowing just in general... But I'm very surprised by the reaction I had to this piece. I got rather emotionally attached and involved.

I really appreciate this piece, Castiel understanding Dean is lost, pardon the cheesiness, but is like the wayward son. The fact that Castiel stayed and had unwavering feelings for Dean... The fact that he understood the mental state of Dean, besides that it's Cas and this is a Cas and Dean pairing so he's probably gonna understand him, you had me going there or a second. Well for a chapter or two or maybe a few.

I was like "is Dean the creepy stalker that's going to keep Cas to himself and pine after him? Are Cas and Balthazar going to get back together after Castiel discovers the truth about Dean and they'll make their escape and return to what thy could salvage of a normal life? But, then Dean would have been Balthazar's character and someone else was the obsessed and confused stalker. No, it's a Castiel and Dean pairing, so they must... Or maybe not."

Albeit, there are typos and grammatical errors, repeated words, confusing syntax at points, but only a few times did it actually draw me away from the story. That's just because I notice those things and fix them in my head automatically or have to reread the sentence three times.

So praise and constructive criticism aside, I wanted you to know how much your writing had an effect on this particular reader. I haven't written a response this thorough in a long time, and I do appreciate your work.

This story was just... All sorts of crazy, emotional, frightening, and loving, though sometimes it was difficult to believe. I applaud the uneasiness you created inside of me because that's not always easy to get across and you definitely did that.

Thank you for this, and stay lovely.

Power Of Funk chapter 14 . 6/14/2014
Wow the chances of everything working out in this were ASTRONOMICAL but then it sort of did XD I didn't see the stuff with his mum coming and i'm sad that so many people had to die but the drama was great XD
Guest chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
Ok so I'm only on chapter 1 but all I have to say is LIKE FATHER LIKE SON.
EmmaBaker chapter 6 . 6/5/2014
omg Dean O_O He is pulling an Edward Cullen. Despite Dean being creepy (and I know that he is SUPPOSED to be that way) this is a great story. :)
Unleashed From Within chapter 14 . 3/12/2014
Really great story. I feel so bad for Cas and Dean. But I'm glad they still love each other.
HoeishBunny chapter 14 . 1/17/2014
Amazing story! But omg, poor Dean :'( , but I'm sooo happy that Cas still loves him. I was worried they weren't gonna be together.
IcyHotwithPeppermintontop chapter 14 . 12/20/2013
*whails* ahh this was good, I want more! by the way not to long ago I watched a movie that had the same plot, but the guys went to jail, lol, I want a sequel or something with a happy ending for Dean and Castiel, ...but oh well, good job!
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