Reviews for Broken Glass and Other Things
KanadeSong chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
I like this fic. I really, really do. I have a major gripe with it, though, that I can't really get over-and that's Kotetsu's character. As good a vignette this is, I can't see Wild Tiger as the angsty, edgy guy he is in this.
Mama May-Eye chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
Loved it! There needs to be more Tiger sympathy. Everyone is always so mean to him! XD
JessiTsuki chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
I really liked this It was well-written and a good dip into their feelings.
the Leander chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Ah, this is excellent. Very good job portraying the characters and their relationship, and your writing is great: emotional and dramatic without coming off as melodramatic. I honestly think I enjoyed this more than how they dealt with things in canon.
Satiah chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
This was a very interesting read: quite thorough and introspective. I loved the character exploration, the intriguing backstory, and the drama which moved the plot along. I think you chose a very fitting, powerful emotion to associate with Kotetsu's Hundred Power, as well. Fear is something he definitely runs on; he works so hard to protect those around him (whether they be family, friend, or stranger) because he fears that fragile boundary between life and death. None of the other heroes quite seem to appreciate the truth about mortality like he does.

I loved how you incorporated the relationships between Antonio, Kotetsu, and Barnaby. You kept your story tightly focused on the three of them, so it wasn't overwhelming to read, nor was it theatrically overdone. I suppose the word I'm searching for is frankness. There was a friend in desperate need, and there was a genuine response to that. That emotional connection certainly captivated my attention, and gave this story some serious depth: made it more human, more relatable. I could taste Kotetsu's fear, feel the chill of his despair, and yet embrace the strength and support offered by his closest companions. It makes for a truly amazing reading experience when an author can weave together such emotions into the fabric of written words.

I greatly enjoyed reading this story, Alatus. I was impressed with the way it felt so real, the way I could literally feel the rain fall on my shoulders, watch millions of shards of glass bounce at my feet, and recoil from the screech of twisting metal. The way I could hear the characters' voices as if they were so near, and the way I could take hold of the hope at the end. You had a fitting conclusion, but, yes, I was slightly disappointed that it had to end so soon. (Readers...we're always so picky. XD) Thank you for the entertainment; I was glad to be a part of such a fantastic tale.
j-mercuryuk chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
Oh, this is such an interesting take on things. I kinda wished they had gone down this track now or would like to see this take explored more in the fandom. Being overly powerful can be just as interesting as being weak when done right, like in this fic. :D

You've really got all of the characters spot on for this. I loved seeing a dark, angstier side to Tiger, while keeping him very much in character, and the concern from Bunny was just wonderfully done. Nice to see the characters actually shocked by the red glow and change in Tiger.

The pacing and flow was also excellent. I really enjoyed reading this.
RainFlame chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
Super awesome - I loved your interpretation of Kotetsu's personality (the darker/more depressing side, to be specific). And it was nice of Barnaby to be so supportive lol.

Excellent work ;) Definitely a favorite.
Darke Angelus chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
It's nice to see read a Tiger & Bunny fanfic that doesn't involve the two lead characters as lovers. THANK YOU!

This story really hits home the dilemma for NEXT who become dependant on their powers as their identity. I'll admit, I'm going nuts wondering about how this whole losing-powers-retirement thing is going to end for Kotetsu. There's talk of the show being picked up for a second season so I'm hoping it's just a plot device and he rebounds in full health. Perhaps with new powers?

You've kept Kotetsu wonderfully in character in this one-shot. It's difficult writing dialogue for him because of the poor subbing. Thankfully, the Japanese actor is talented enough to give the character a great vocal range: whiny to assertive, depending on the situation. And the animation is excellent. He was wonderfully angsty in this story and what he was going through was so well written that I had a lump in my throat. I could just picture his grief, and the sight of the three alone in the alley as the storm raged on. It was great to have Antonio's involvement in this crisis. Barnaby's reaction was pretty spot-on. He's a pretty stoical, close-minded guy, especially at the beginning of the series, and not very likable. However, he did his partner justice when the chips were down.

Since the series is such a new one, fans who review are few and far between, but you can be assured we ARE out there and appreciate the effort. This is a great story! Cheers!
bright snow chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
Great connection to a childhood fear to the present. The smashed glass was a really great symbol and you tied it in to the rest of the story really well. Man, poor Kotetsu, he really is the kind of guy that would be super affected if he did crush someone. ): This does kind of make me wonder, though-I mean, even if a NEXT hero was losing his or her power and quit, he or she would still have to deal with the irregularity of their power in their everyday life, you know?
thisshitisgone chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
... wow, AMAZING!

the story had a very deep feelings. Definetly loved the way you use Tiger's fear for the key of his power. really amazing. Congrats for this fic! *cheers* :D
ASHTERAH chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
I can't believe I cried while reading this fic.
ChocohoLiz chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I just think that I should let you know that you write wonderfully. I hadn't expected a scenario like this to be honest but you bring a refreshing outcome to the table. Your characterization is spot on and your details are impeccable. Tiger was never the one to let others worry/help him and he always tries so desperately to hide it but if he ever does, then this Tiger would be just as good as any. Enough of Bunny angst I say; he has enough material to start his own soap opera.

I sincerely hope you keep writing for this fandom and I'll be keeping a watch on your works!