Reviews for A Sister's Farewell
E. V. Roslyn chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
Beautiful fanfiction! Nice, sweet, and to the point! It made me cry and rethink my whole life! I can't say that about too many fanfics.
UzumakiGoddess chapter 1 . 6/29/2013
This was pretty good for your first DBZ fic; I honestly wouldn't have thought this was your first dbz fic if you hadn't said anything.
XanaduHawk chapter 1 . 2/8/2013
I loved the part about Sixteen, he was always one of my favorite characters.
Setsumi-san chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
This feels like it could be a missing scene from the series. I enjoyed it and I really liked the part when they paid their respects to Number Sixteen. Most writers focus on the twins so much that they forget Sixteen was part of the gang too. I doubt they'd ever forget him. Nice work.
pretzelboy chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
it's good, i mean really good, but i don't really see how this is good bye forever for them, i mean 17 wants to wonder the world and 18 wants to settle down, those ARE two different lifestyles, but there's nothing stoping 17 from dropping in for a visit. Also i'm sure 17 would care that his sister had a baby, and i'll bet he'd be a great uncle. anyway great story, nice pathos.
Wesker's Son chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
I really liked it, I really do believe you made 18 seem more... caring and loving than her usual cold distant self. Nice input on the 17 too. You know most just go after how 18 ended up with Krillin instead of if she met up with 17. I know, you're not counting GT, but I remember she saw 17 and wasn't really shocked. Anyway, great story.
Kurami Rocket chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
Oh my gosh this was so sweet! It was so sad and sweet the farewll :') Everyone in character and beleivable

Aghh, if only Android 17 could have gotten more screen time!

Such a sweet one shot! Loved it
DigitalAda chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
I really liked this story a lot, thanks for writing it! I was also disappointed that Android 17 is never seen or heard from again or even mentioned by his own twin sister, until his cameo in the Buu Saga. But DBZ has the unfortunate tendency to phase out characters and never mention them again (like Lunch). I think the only reason 18 got so much screen-time was because she married Krillin and Krillin had somehow managed to avoid being put in the background as much as Bulma, Tien, Chiotzu, ChiChi, and Yamcha.

Anyway, I was really happy that you wrote some closure for two of my favorite characters. I know that if I had seen my brother be brutally murdered and that if he was somehow brought back to life, I would do anything in my power to find him. Plus, it should be easier for 17 and 18 to find each other since they can fly, which makes traveling long distances not a problem. I also liked your explanation of why 16 wasn't brought back too. I always wanted him to at least make a cameo appearance since he is such a sweetheart. But I loved 17 and 18 making a grave for him in this story.

I also liked the ending with 18 and Krillin. I honestly am not overenthusiastic about any of the canon pairings in the show. (I don't hate them, it's usually just a neutral, 'meh whatever' feeling.) However, the way you ended the story was really sweet and I enjoyed it. I think that other than Cell and Future Trunks causing a butterfly affect with their time traveling, that having people like 16 and Krillin looking out for them is what made 17 and 18 not turn out to be evil destroyers-of-worlds like they were in Future Trunks' timeline.
stormtoarainbow chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
I've always thought about why they didn't stay together. I'm just going to pretend this actually happened :)
The Writing Crow chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Wow, that was amazing! I love how you wrote this, good job!
Gohanroxme chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
This was so cute! You got the twins' personalities just right! And I even thought the parts with Krillin was so beautiful.

"I might you know."

"Might what?"

"Stay forever."

I loved it. :)
Kira Sema chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
wait he's alive in the buu saga? could you tell me wqhat episdode?
Simgr101 chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
nice little one shot. and its fine not to count gt. gt was never cannon as it wasn't done by the original creator. he just drew it. so gt officially didn't happen.