Reviews for Checkmate (revised)
Jedi of Grace chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
I just adore the timeline of this story. We don’t have enough fics that deal with this ROTJ angst and drama, imo. Oh and can you write Han’s POV or what?

“ threatened serious heartburn.” This cracked me up. Han with heartburn! Haha. But it also showed his true agony over the thought of Leia choosing Luke over him. Such a good detail.

“Solo leaned against the railing, dangerously so, but he didn’t care.” Another great detail. We can just feel his awful mood throughout here, and then this just reminds us where he is, which we can totally visualize, way up in the trees. Love it.

“Or had he simply lost her during the six months...” poor Han! I just want to rush in and assure him it’s okay! She loves you!

“He’d has two hundred years to think up wise sounding, but unrealistic advice.” Hahaha, this is funny and goes well while Han wallows in his (self-admitted) self-pity.

“Still, he’d been serious in his acceptance of rank and commission...” I love this so much. Han is so many things, not the least of which is a good, responsible man of integrity.

“For the length of three long strides he believed he meant it.” This fits with what we see in the movie so well. Love it.

“A scoundrel in spite of everything.” Yay! I love a good grumpy old Han, and even more I love it when he comes around. This is such a hard time, knowing what’s going on with each of them, Leia’s worries about Luke and upset about Vader, Han’s worried about ...everything. Both carrying such weight. This bit of brevity is just what they need.

Oh the end is perfect, with them walking back together, arms around each other. Lovely. On to the next!
Mako-clb chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
Have I properly reviewed this? I hope I have before now, but if not, let me tell you how much I love your Kismet series. This one, in particular, is one of my favorites. I ache for Han and Leia, though for very different reasons. You do a wonderful job of capturing the emotions without being overly dramatic.
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
A touching exploration of this scene from Han's perspective. I particularly like the extension to the scene as he absorbs the consequences of Luke's personal quest.
Lullaby85 chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Loved it.
Penderghast chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
Lovely, lovely writing and perfect characterization of Han. Looking forward to discovering the rest of your works now, as I'm sure they're equally as good
ChocoCherry chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
Lovely. A great warmup for the battle lol, I love how you write Han! Exactly how I imagine him!
chibijem chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
Loved it! You do the characters so well and very believable.
SoloChic chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
Consistently great, on target writing! Keep it up!
Battered notebook of stories chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I loved Han's interior monologue and this glimpse into his feelings. And of course "Insubordination will get you everywhere'-priceless!
Zolo77 chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
great story! thanks for sharing. :)
Random SW Fan chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
So the uniform was just "too damned ugly."

This is why I love your stuff! Well, one of many reasons why I love your stuff. But thanks to you we now know why Han got to run around Endor in his usual garb; he just thought the uniform was ugly. And you can't really argue with him! :)

This is so well-written and inspired me to pull out my faded old first-edition paperback ROTJ novelization for comparison. Of course there *is* no comparison... I love Han's thought processes here; he's rightfully confused, but not comically so, and he's trying so hard to be the leader he needs to be despite his personal fears. In the ROTJ novelization, of course, this critically important moment is relegated to a couple of clunkily written paragraphs in which he physically lashes out against her in a creepy and out-of-character moment. Anyway, it all just reinforces how great your work is in comparison!

Thanks so much for continuing to write and post! This made my day. :)