Reviews for The Brain and the Heart
Allers3 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
Whoa. Amazing concept, I love the way this was written! And I feel so bad for Lovino in the end there :(

So awesome job, and keep writing!

Emma CS Me chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Hyperemmalawlz off LJ here, hello!

Ooh, Romano. I found the interaction between the different parts of the body interesting, even if it's just a metaphor. Poor Romano. He wants to be happy, he just...

...I'll admit, I'm not quite sure what happened in that last part. It might just be me being slow though. I think it's just his own inferiority complex catching up with him and snapping him out of that slide towards the heart before, or... did he see something that inspired that? Herderp, sorry. /awkward

I think that's all. (I fail so hard at being helpful). See you!
DiscordantDissector chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Comix, my heart hurts now.

The dialogue between the heart and the brain was brilliant. A little cheesy, but in a good way. Like macaroni and cheese or something.

The brain being so snarky and irritable was very fitting for Romano too.

"We are rarely, truly loved. There must be a catch."

That line. My heart was already breaking for Romano when I hit that line.

This was just beautiful.

And why aren't I subscribed to you yet? *Fixes that*
Fishie chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Oh my goodness.

Lovin's body working together in a system of beautifully characterised parts? This is GORGEOUS. You have taken characterisation to a whole other dimension.

And the emotions come through very sharply here, too. Wonderful.

Thank you so much for writing this. It's gorgeous. :)
Map of the Stars chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
Oh my god.

Oh my god I loved this and I'm crying.

This was so beautifully written. Yes, it was cheesy at some points but it was a nice, comforting type, not the annoying, obnoxious type.

Oh wow seriously I really, really loved this. I adore Romano SOSO much and it's hard to find stories based solely on him. (I mean I love Spamano as much as the next person but sometimes I just want to read about Romano, you know?)

This is soooo going to my favourites. It would be criminal if it didn't!

Also, incase my tears weren't enough of an indication; the ending was so sad. Ugh. WHY TONI, WHY DAMMIT?
Lammie chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
The way it is written amuses me greatly, though I'm very sad that Antonio didn't really love him. ,(