Reviews for Canon
Miki-chan13 chapter 1 . 11/3/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
D'aww this is adorable! Sad, but freakin adorable! Meowrails are always the best. Good job! :33
Anon chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
oh my gosh this was absoloutley adorable! awesome job
RandomHyuuga chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
This was so cute! I loved it. The characters were totally in character, and you portrayed their relationship beautifully and wonderfully. 10/10 X3
BloodKnightHP chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
I like both NepKat and TerKat. Overall this was cute. I like it! Great job!
KameKame-chan chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
This story was so cute! I absolutely adore Nepeta/Equius! x33 I think you did awesome for your first Homestuck fic! I'm usually scared to venture into new fandoms. So high five! XD
Tonnerre chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
Kawaisa Panda chapter 1 . 1/13/2012

iT wAsNt A fAiL. iF pEoPlE wRoTe StOrIeS lIkE tHey WeRe SuPpOsEd To (AkA tHe wAy We WaNt It) FfS wOuLd NoT bE hErE. iTs LiKe A mOtHeRfUcKiN mIrAcLe. AnD yOuR sToRy WaS cUtE, eVeN iF i ThInK eQuIuS aNd NePeTa ArE gOoD jUsT bEiNg MoIrAiLs.

HoNk :o)

jackilantern chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
Rawwr~ :3 Is sooo cute!
Shuna chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
Nepeta and Equius are just too cute for words. Every time they were on screen I couldn't stop smiling. Nice to see a story where she is not silly. Well, she is silly and cute, but not only that. At first I was wondering why there was no arrowtips, but then I saw your comment about FFN not accepting them. Sad, as it is essential to Equius. But else from that, which isn't your fault, it was a very lovely read.
A. Daichu chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
And here I stand, glad, to finally take the chance to review one of your stories, my dear Aquamarine! And from Homestuck? Well, there's no surprise there!

So, anyway, I really enjoyed this. You should know that I ship both Karkat/Nepeta and Karkat/Terezi, but some semi-angst Terezi/Karkat/Nepeta does me quite well. I love seeing people's perspective on the events and the character's emotions, especially as it was never clearly portrayed in the actual comic.

Now, the ending was just lovely to me. If there's a relationship I like seeing of more than the previous, it's Equius and Nepeta's. They just seem like one of the most 'human' in the entire series, and they seem to care for each other in such a sincere way. Makes me wish I could have something similar.

Also, right now it's bedtime for me, but I'll be pleased to inform you that this fic will be going on Tumblr. In fact, why don't I just move over there and do it right now. Don't know if my mom will run me off the computer before I manage, but, otherwise, first thing when I get back from school tomorrow!

So, stay amazing, okay? Stay totally cool, and keep writing STRONG fanfiction like this!

...Okay, that was just terrible. I apologize.
LyssiLuvr chapter 1 . 8/20/2011
ASDFGHJKLQWEIUHVNMD! Dawwwwwwwwww! Best moirails EVAR! gog I love this! So effing cute! AHHHHH!
Anianon chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
Awww so cute and sad I loved it 3
0000nya chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
YOU SHOULD FEEL THANKFUL! xD This is the first homestuck fic that I've read! ;; And I just did that because it was yours! x33

I really enjoyed reading that! 8D More than what I thought I would actually! xD You did a good job! 3 It all felt so natural!

I'm not so into hetero parings but you're making me ship this... ;;

If you write more Equius x Nepeta I'll definitely read it!

(I'll cry if you don't know who I am! T.T )