Reviews for Anachronism
ahappygoat chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
oooooh this is amazing! a berwald is so adorable here... i want my very own cracked!berwald , hed make a great house pet. great fic!
Shay chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
This is awesome. I hope you write more!
LawlietLennoxLove chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
Very interesting. I salute you, fellow sweet-lover.
The-Wicked-Girls88 chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Oh my god.
Oh my GOD.
I cannot even begin to explain how utterly and impeccably and darkly fantastic this story is. Oh my god. *flails*
Seriously. I have no idea where you get your inspiration for your stories. They're all amazing. I love how Finland keeps telling him he needs help, and this line:

it makes Tino feel like both a sick fuck and a god as he smiles back- who's he kidding, it makes him feel fucking fantastic.

That line killed me. Please never ever ever stop writing. If you do, I may end up just like Finland does.

Mewww chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Cracked!Berwld is cray cray...
Very different from many one-shots I've ever read and the idea is fascinating. I instantly fell in love the fic, as I did with "Choke", but I didn't know you wrote that until after! You and your writing are wonderful, so keep it up!
yoink chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
aww honey I hope you're feeling better now :) I liked it and cracked!berwald is damn sexy xD
kawaii-panda-sama chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
Oh god, this was so great that I almost cried.

For real.

I felt so bad for Berwald(or was it Tino? Ugh, IDK, they're both nuts.)!

I love them both so much~
doujinshininjah chapter 1 . 1/12/2012
Bawwww!*cries* Things like this make me cry (With joy and sadness)! Your summary actually pulled a little string in my heart and the story pulled more. A little hard to follow but Beautiful nonetheless.
DarkeFlame chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
You're right, cracked!Berwald is hot. It's surprising how few cracked! stories there are, about any nations other than Canada, Russia, and Germany. This was really good, too. A little difficult to follow, but I like it. It made me think about what I was reading, and how all of the parts line up together to make one amazingly messed up fanfiction.
coeurgryffondor chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
I mostly read this for the title, and it was quite a different idea. I think you executed it beautifully, though it broke my heart to see Berwald like that. But the title does fit in the end, and I think that's what really helps to bring this all together.
espanamazing chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
This. Is amazingly messed up and confusing and BRILLIANT.

In particular, I really liked the bit about Tino being the type of person who makes people have faith in these places, but really being the /reason/ they're unsafe and awful. )

I especially love the ending, Tino finally telling Berwald something he didn't know. I kind of like to think that maybe Sve realized what was going on, then... (Because that, of course, would lead to even more angst and darkness and fun stuff. :3)
Devin Aiden Teague chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
... This was awesome. And I almost didn't realize that it was /you/ writing it. [Because I'm oblivious and don't pay enough attention to author names.]

But I love your stories. XD

Allistra chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
asdfghjklILUILU ; 3 ;

Yes, cracked!Berwald is sexy. Dark!Tino is even sexier. XD

I absoulutely loved the insanity and just plain madness in this fic, with all it's lovely surreal-ness, and no-one will ever know~ 3 The darkness (?) is very well and tastefully done, with bits here and there just to emphasize on it- while not being over-the-top.

I loved the part about the nurses and how people like Tino make it seem all nice and everything sweet- but it's actually something like Rin's Fear Garden in reality. Pulling a mask- a sheet- over everything? MM-MMMM. 8D
HrtlessRmntic chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
Ur fics are all so amazing w we must get married! I love the way u had Tino as the bad guy this time
LonelyHearts2008 chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
I love this story. Immensely. Just, the premise of it is amazing. Then again, there just may be something I find hot about a nurse "helping" his slightly mad patient.
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