Reviews for Just Leave a Message
Sand-wolf579 chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
That was unexpected, but now that I read it, I could see that totally being possible. And I found the thing with your brother funny...Actually, I think everyone who's read this story found it funny. But not unreasonable, considering he walked in in the middle of things.
KaiserPhoenix92 chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
God, I love this story. You should definately write more about it, or at least let someone else do it. Maybe about the others finding out, or being Joe's little brother having a big part of Ken's redemption. I don't know, and I don't care. I just want more. Please? :)
Sabishi Tomo chapter 1 . 3/20/2006
Love this story! It's so believable.
Azure Rose chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
are you going to write more because i think you should really really write more i like the story more more *slaps herself* sorry 'bout that but really more would be good!
Axinite chapter 1 . 12/2/2002
*Laughs..* "JOE'S THE EVIL ONE?" Sounds like me when I first saw the previews for the new season, showing the Kaiser on an Airdramon. "O_o! Since when did Joe become evil?"

Entertaining fic.
Eevee chapter 1 . 5/6/2002
That's a cool theory

er... yeah. I like the story.
Ismini chapter 1 . 1/15/2002
Whoo... Nice one...

And it actually makes sense. I mean, I've read fanfics where Jyou is supposed to be Koushirou's, or Daisuke's, or Takeru's, or Yamato's brother, but this... This could be a possibility, especially after you've read this.

They are both very well portrayed and in-character, and I like the way Jyou acts to get Ken to understand that they care about him back in the real world. They are talking with familiarity though, but I guess it's just because they know that they are related now.

The scene where Jyou shouts out of the window is unique, I've never seen anything like this done before, and I like it. _-

I hope people agree with me, because I think this is one of your best Drama stories. Unusual plot, in-character, angsty scenes and it could happen. What more could readers ask for? Plus, it features Jyou and Ken...

*thinks for a moment*

Wow! They could do a brother double date! Jyou would go with Mimi and Ken would go with Miyako, since they have a sister realtionship, somewhat... Maybe you should write a fanfic about that, like they meet in a restaurant. With their brother and sister (somewhat) dating the other's... That'd be funny.

And please don't stop writing Digimon fanfics! Harry Potter is all good (especially when you can write about Ron/Hermione), but you wrote Digimon fanfics so well. You got into the characters' minds, whether it was about a romantic matter or anything else, and I know many people who would beg you to continue writing. Don't let a stupid ending ruin your writing potentials on the anime!
blood thirsty digimon fan chapter 1 . 10/9/2001
your brother is...well...was not very informed, and I'm sorry, but there is nooooo way that joe could pull off being as evil as ken, he would get scared of the dark, and wet his pants, but hey, joe is still cool, but i can see where you could get the idea of joe and ken being bro's, me likes that idea!
Miss-Madison chapter 1 . 7/11/2001
I like this story! :-) The idea of Ken and Joe being secret brothers is cool.
Satoshi chapter 1 . 5/31/2001
Weird, but pretty cool. I loved how you said you came up with the story. That was so funny! But this was an AU classic. Pretty cool. Peace! . ~
starsnake chapter 1 . 3/17/2001
This was really well done. I loved your title and the way you just made allusions to the fact that it was Joe and Ken talking until each character's name was spoken. That's not something I've seen very often and I really liked the effect. But you also stuck in little clues here and there so the person who was paying attention would be able to determine who the characters were before they were actually introduced. Sorry for the length, it's late and I'm a little out of it. What I meant to say is good job, I really liked it. (Yes, that was nice and short and..._;;;)
Violet-twister8 chapter 1 . 2/22/2001
Man! I had an Idea like this but I just didn't have a story to put in into action! Darn it! Well it was a great story any how! :o)
Selena Style chapter 1 . 2/17/2001
That was really good and very deep. Ken is such a cool indepth character and Joe. . . well we all love Joe.
Sonar chapter 1 . 2/17/2001
This is the love I so love
ShanniC chapter 1 . 2/16/2001
I liked this.. Either way they are both attarctive. I beleive you did a fine job. I like interaction. I thought it was an ominiscient viewpoint atifrst.. That confused me, other than that.. Great job! Nicely done work! -Shanni_C Viva La Mimoe!
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