Reviews for Captured
Addicted1 chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
Fantastic last line. I actually said, "Oh, wow," when I finished reading. This character study is really insightful, but you've outdone yourself with the last three lines. I'm blown away. Thank you!
It's All A Facade chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
Aww... Chess fanfics are pretty rare, which is a shame, because it's one of my favourite muscials. Good ones are even rarer, though, and this one of the few. I've always loved Anatoly/Florence, but this story kinda has me rethinking that. I've always been a bit unsure about Freddie, because there were times where I seriously wanted to punch him in the face, but then I got to Pity the Child and bawled my eyes out. I think you pretty much nailed him, though. Chess left me VERY unsatisfied, because it didn't have a very clear ending. Did Anatoly get back with Florence later? Was Florence's father alive? Did Anatoly fall back in love with Svetlana? I never really considered Florence and Freddie getting back together, but now I really hope they did.
chickenshithypocrite chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
FREDDIE. *heart breaks for him* IIIIIIIIIII love it :D Even if there's no Kings...
Ira the Wise chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
Very well written. Well done :)
PamEargle chapter 1 . 8/30/2011

I am a Flo/Fred shipper and for some reason, you don't find many fics for them. LOVE your writing style and characterizations.

So happy I found yours (even if it was few days late) :-)

Shameless plug: check out MY Flo/Fred fic, please, if you can and want to :-)
Angelic Prophecy chapter 1 . 8/28/2011

This is amazing, as always. All the Freddie/Florence feelings man D: Freddie, our poor bb... 3