Reviews for PruCan: WMD
lavanderbunny chapter 1 . 11/18/2014
I seriously read the first sentence, and was like, Whats with all the big words...
MapleLover chapter 6 . 9/12/2013
I seriously sue ales like the fan girl I am when I saw the name New Prussia. GO PRUCAN!
Kharissa chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
This story is my absolute favourite prucan fic of all time! i think you got everyone's personalities right and what they would do in that situation. i love how prussia wasn't a complete jerk and how camada jumped on Russia. all in all, very well job done!
NobodyHomeNobodyHere chapter 6 . 9/25/2011
At the beginning I was sad, but by the very very end I was squealing. Yum yum yum!
itachi-is-here chapter 6 . 9/6/2011
Oh gosh, this story. It was absolutely amazing! I love that Matt named the remains of the church New Prussia. I've actually been there, and it's so tiny and cute. XD

Anyways, I really loved this story! PruCan is my OTP forever!
Terra Saltt chapter 2 . 8/26/2011
AWWWW! Nice fic, very nice! The writing style was fluent and detailed and the story was heart-wrenching and heart-warming all at the same time. There really isn’t anything I can say for changes and pointers.

I luff PruCan, but hate how everyone usually pins him as a selfish sex machine. I like Pure!Prussia so much more and you totally captured that in him. :) Keep on keep’n on!
abandoned account 6.2013 chapter 6 . 8/26/2011
Why does the mental image of Prussia telling Canada Merci Beaucoup have me grinning like an idiot? Ah well, this was great, anyway. Wonderful way to end this story.
abandoned account 6.2013 chapter 5 . 8/25/2011
I can not cheer this story hard enough. XD

This has to be one of my favorite Prussia stories in a long time. Every time I read this it makes me want to write him more. x3

Which I will do very shortly, as in, as soon as I get off my lazy ass to grab my notebook.
cirquegirl81 chapter 5 . 8/25/2011
Wow! This is a really great story you got going here, I'm very hooked on it! I love the twist that you gave me in this last chapter. I thought it would be Russia who just sent the bomb because he knew Prussia had feelings for him. That had really thrown me for a loop when you said Prussia did it! That's great story telling right there! 5 stars! *****
abandoned account 6.2013 chapter 3 . 8/23/2011
Ahhhhhhh, cliffhangers, damn you! DX

Seriously, I'm gliggling like a freaking fangirl through the whole thing. I absolutly love, love, love this.

See, I love you're Prussia; and you make me want to write him again, honestly. XD
Stories and Sails chapter 3 . 8/23/2011
Wow, this is a really good story so far! The style of your writing fits perfectly with the serious theme of the story, and it's got me hooked to wanting to read more.

You've portrayed both Gilbert and Mattie perfectly so far, it's great!

I'll be looking forward to the next update!
maybe-a-bee chapter 3 . 8/23/2011
awww poor mattie :( hope he won't be lonely anymore ;D...btw good story so far hope you update soon :D
abandoned account 6.2013 chapter 2 . 8/22/2011
Gaaaah! Why can I not triple favorite this or something? This was just too freaking wonderful to just simply favorite. D: In the words of the all mighty Prussia, I deem this awesome. XD

Seriously, the end had me bouncing up and down. I can not propperly convey how much I love the way you write Prussia.

Ah, and first chapter was good too; there was just more to squee over in this one. XD
maybe-a-bee chapter 2 . 8/22/2011
So far the story is good :) I wonder though who would wanna bomb Mattie :[ Hope you update soon ;D