Reviews for The DLSS Cruise
VBK-VereorBlackKing chapter 10 . 2/26/2016
Hey! You already have tons of reviews, but one more can't hurt you, right? Well, this story was super wonderful! I just loved how you intertwined so many elements, and the main couple (James/Katie) was hot and very well psychologically described. I'm so looking for the sequel!
Nekotite chapter 19 . 10/5/2014
Very well written! It's four in the morning but I think I'll go look for that sequel now :D
BTR-FOREVER1364 chapter 19 . 7/31/2014
Please make more chapters! ! Loved it! !
snowball247 chapter 19 . 4/17/2014

I just...I just...AGGH! I just wanted them to be happy already :(( Oh, poor Katie. And James. And Logie. Not to mention, Kendall, Carlos, Camille, Jo, Stephanie, Gustavo, Kelly, and Mama Knight. MY BABIES! :( Oh, well. I know this is probably the third time in days that I've written a comment for your story, but I just can't help it! Your story's too compelling to ignore! :)) Write some more regarding this particular universe, kay? :D

Hugs and kisses, snowball247 xx
snowball247 chapter 17 . 4/17/2014
Damn it, 17 chapters in, and I'm STILL freaking hooked. I need more of this 'fic, girl! Oh, and by the way, just one question: in Chapter 5, Griffin's wife is named 'Adelia' (Pretty name, BTW!), but in Chapter 14, she's named 'Annabelle'. Does he have two wives or something? :P Anyway, NOT important! Keep on cranking out awesomesauce stories, girl!
snowball247 chapter 12 . 4/16/2014
Holy crap.

Holy crap.

Holy. Crap.


Your story's so DARN good! I've flown through it in just a couple of days, and I want - no, NEED - more. :) Thank you for being such an awesome writer, and being there to fulfill my JaTie/ LoMille/ JenDall feels!

Hugs and kisses! xxoo
btrfanfiction1516 chapter 6 . 10/17/2013
Grace chapter 19 . 8/11/2013
Have you made the sequel yet? Cuz I need to read it! This story has been a tab on my phone for months!
jenifrelizabeth chapter 19 . 3/11/2013
ojbkljdfogjerogjoejgioerjhoi rejhrpoekplgm *dies*
fearitself14 chapter 19 . 2/13/2013
Everytime I see an update from this story, my day suddenly gets better. Its that good. But not just this one. I've read ALL your stories, and yes of course I loved them. You have a gift mate
TheWritingFreak chapter 19 . 1/13/2013
I read this story all in one shot and I was hooked all through everything about the Replacement and you've managed to put all of my favorite couples from BTR and you got me hooked on Jatie. Now that I think about it they are cute together.
I'm off to start reading the sequel because let's face it, you gave me a huge cliffhanger and I want to find out what happens next.
You gave me a wonderful read with this story so thanks.
roganjalex chapter 19 . 1/2/2013
i can not wait to see what happens next
roganjalex chapter 18 . 1/2/2013
wow intense
annabellex2 chapter 19 . 12/27/2012
Cool! Enjoyed this story, love Jatie! Cant wait to read yhe sequel! :)
starry eyed dreamers chapter 19 . 12/25/2012
Wow, that was an amazing last chapter! it was action packed and had a nice ending. I, for one, am excited for the sequel, although I don't doubt that some readers who have supported your story since the beginning might want to cuss you out a bit. The Replacement does seem to be kind of an unkillable character to me, too. And I loved Katies thoughts about her probably being pregnant. It was a fantastic chapter, and I can't wait for the sequel!
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