Reviews for The Visitor
mollymaefarrell chapter 30 . 11/19/2016
Sequal this story maybe when the children are teens
musicalfreak22 chapter 45 . 12/30/2006
Wow. I love how it ended: Rory saying goodbye to Dodger. Sure, it's metaphorical, but it's full of sense at the same time. It's beautiful. I loved your fic.
misslove852 chapter 45 . 4/16/2005
i really enjoyed this story. well written and profound. i really like the way you changed tristan and jess.
lily moon1 chapter 47 . 6/6/2003
omg...i hope you know i have just used up my entire afternoon reading this...damn that was good! i hate you when you scared me like that with the baby, geez, freak me out! it was amzingly, wonderfully, spectacularly, yeah, i can't think of anymore -ly words, but its was that good. can't wait for your next story
leatharegee chapter 47 . 5/19/2003
this fic was the longest fic i have ever read, chapter wise! it was amazing! so many different little stories all into one big one! its GREAT! keep going!
Melly4 chapter 47 . 3/21/2003
hey ahmee i just read ur story and i think it was great. Just to let you know, reading the last chapter made me smile when i was in a bad mood so thanx..i look forward to reading more of ur work
Joey20 chapter 47 . 10/31/2002
This is a realy good story. I realy like your writing style in all of your stories. I was wondering if you wanted to continue a few stories I have started


P.S. please e-mail me at my freinds e-mail:
krob chapter 47 . 7/19/2002
did i mention that they should turn this into a special on the gilmore girls? or even better, make it into a movie. that would be so great!
krob chapter 47 . 7/17/2002
wow that was a really really really great story that i just read for the whole day. couldnt keep my eyes away from it. ur truly a great writer of fan fics. r u a fan of jake gyllenhaal? just askin. this story truly touched me in every way possible. it had everything in it. accidents, love, heartbreaks, anger, sadness, humor...everything. i can say that this story was the best that ive read yet on this here site. its simply beautiful, great-everything. i guess im just a sap like any other. hmm...welps im glad that u wrote this story, thank u.
Aleigha chapter 47 . 6/14/2002
I know i haven't reviewed the story yet and i'm sorry that i waited for you to finish. But it was a great story! Did you expect to extend it so long into Rory and Jess's life? This story was so cute and sweet. You did a great job on it. I can't wait to read your next story. Good work! )
Stew Pid chapter 47 . 6/13/2002
I know i haven't reviewed this before but I just didn't have anything else to say that I'm sure someone else didn't say, but I had to extend now my personal goodbye. Talk about "good bye" to Dodger, Good Bye to "The Visitor." I enjoyed reading this. You are a truly magnificent writer and i hope this isn't the last I read of your work.
karen chapter 47 . 6/13/2002
excellent story, i'm so sad to see it end! i'll definitely be looking out for your other writings! :D
Sk8erGrl chapter 47 . 6/13/2002
Good last chapter. This was a great ending to a great story. I look forward to coming across another story of yours one day. This story turned out to be one of the best I've read.
Rudy chapter 47 . 6/13/2002
quite possibly the best fic i've ever read. definetly the best r/j one
sylicia chapter 47 . 6/13/2002
that was one of the best stories i've ever read! the ending was perfect. maybe you should do a sequal. i like the part about tristan's baby being named Mary. matbe the sequal could be about them grown up and tristan's kid tormentig rory's kid. yeah i know it sucks but it was just an idea. whatever you decided o write next wether it be a sequal or totally different story, i can't wait!
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