Reviews for Hope Begins in the Dark
Arihimew chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
lovely fic!
Veridissima chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Love it
Great fic
Lady Sakura-chan chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Aww, how cute.
The Dragon Mage chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
Ahhh, the Starks! I love Ned and Catelyn so much, and this is exactly how I'd imagined them to be- I think they deal with what they're given in life much better than any of the other characters, and you've captured that perfectly. They managed a kind of balance in their relationship, a kind of peace; and then of course they lose it all. I'm sitting here wibbling because you've shown how they begin, and how they end is such a waste... the worst things happen to be best people, in Westeros.
Rian Steelsheen chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
A very nice story ! The awkwardness between them, their worries and hopes, I think you really captured the dynamic between them - two peoples, strangers, who are suddenly tied together forever by the bonds of marriage and try very hard to know each other better and do what is expected of them.

I liked how you portrayed them in a very realistic way, I think that's how it must feel, an arranged marriage to an unknown person. You know you will really have to work at it, you know it's probably not going to be like in the songs, but you know you can make it better and you hope you'll eventually come to feel affection for each other.

I rather liked the relationship between Ned and Cat in GoT, so it's good to read about their beginnings.