Reviews for Hermione's Pickle
Guest chapter 6 . 5/2/2014
The whole pickle thing was weird as heck, but it's still a nice read.
GothicPheonix chapter 3 . 11/4/2011
I am really enjoying this so far, when usually this isn't exactly my favorite pairing (while I agree that in the fifth book/movie I was disappointed when I found out Tonks wasn't Bi or lesbian. I found a confession saying they were sad that Tonks/Ginny was never a couple in the series), so it's surprising to me. Great job :)

Another little advice, for when characters are thinking to themselves, have the text italicized. Or have it like this

'I KNOW Hermione told me to stop, saying that I would ruin my teeth that way – and I know that she means well, her parents being orthodontists after all, but I can't help it!' she reasoned with herself. 'It's just like chewing your nails! Once you start, you can't stop!'

And so you may want to try that advice with this sentence too:

(No… she sighed, I wouldn't want to endanger our friendship just to try something based only on hearsay. Besides, Ginny's only my friend, and nothing's going to happen.)

And for words with emphasis, either in thoughts you can (if all the thought text is italicized) bold italicize it. Or if the thought text isn't italicized but in 'this text' then just have it either italicized (it's easier on the eyes) or bold.

And was this meant to be said aloud, or is it Ginny thinking to herself again?

("Speaking of Hermione, I know she could help me with this essay. I think she would, seeing as she aced it last year.")

And I think with questions that are yelled like Ginny, you should have this: ?

(I borrowed your sentence and did a little fixing with it, the fixes with be marked with [ ]) Ex: Ginny rolled her eyes, almost shocked by his question. "Have they[?]" she [exclaimed], "You should be one to ask! I can't go anywhere without people asking when the wedding bells are going to ring. I'm just sick of it. Hermione and I are only FRIENDS."

And I think 'Phew' would be better to use instead of Whoof in this sentence:

("Whoof. No, I only came to ask your help on this particular essay for Transfiguration Class. I hope you don't mind the company.")

Um, I hope I am not bothering you with these tips and corrections. I know some really appreciate it while others don't and can be really mean about it
GothicPheonix chapter 2 . 11/4/2011
Maybe for author notes on the bottom have a separator like this:


Also I think you meant "then" instead of "than" because "than" is for comparisons (I am better than she.) And "then" is used for time and actions things (sorry I can't describe it better) like "Then, she walked away in victory"

The sentence mistake is this one:

"Than how do we know that it IS true that only her True Love could save her? Couldn't it only be true that maybe the only reason I got her out was because I'm another female? Did you ever think of that?"
GothicPheonix chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
Huh, a little OOC but (and usually I don't read Ginny/Hermione because there are just so many of them; and I mean most popular pairing in the fandom and it started to annoy me a bit. But when they change the plot line a little like this it is interesting) it's good :)
KM Rune chapter 6 . 1/20/2010
This was cute and funny. I really hope you can continue this fic. Loved it! _
warpedsolutions chapter 6 . 12/18/2009
wo! that was flippin esitin to read! ive enjoyed the plot and how this has all unrolled. im really hoping that youll find it in your heart to...well make me happy and continue this. i love you : )
TeddybearluvsSexy chapter 6 . 4/3/2009
You should continue.. I so want to know what happens next...
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 6 . 1/26/2009
Hey where did you go according to this its been YEARS since you have updated! :(
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 5 . 1/26/2009
Good so they are gay huh?Interesting.I like it.
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 4 . 1/26/2009
Good job :)
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 3 . 1/26/2009
Yep still love Ginny no one udnerstands her humor.
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 2 . 1/26/2009
Is Ginny going gay?Or was that love thing not real?Good story,I like it.
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 1 . 1/26/2009
Lol it was funny. :)
Emma James chapter 6 . 10/16/2008
hopefully they worked it out
Sid chapter 6 . 12/17/2005
I really wish you continued writing this story...,but I'll be a pain in the ass and say "Hello-o-o-o? It's been like ::starts counting fingers:: THREE YEARS! When are you planning to update?"

p. 't kill me for this? K'?
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