Reviews for Intertwined
ScarlettSilver chapter 1 . 8/10/2013 cute!
MissMangaChick chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
That was adorable! Awesome job! :D
kuropie chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
That was a beautiful story lot of emotion and fluff i liked it , i like every byakuya/renji stories.

I would like to see others stories like this i'm going to visit your profil to see your other fics.

Anyway keep going !

ActuallyNevis chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
Oh, oh, that was so beautiful. I really, really loved it. Thank-you so much for sharing. I've read your other fics in this series and that was really quite lovely. What a lovely birthday surprise for Renji. And yes the angst writing about Ichigo was a nice addition actually. You made this guy actually get a little teared up, which is pretty hard to do, I don't typically get teary over fan-fic stuff. Very good writing!
renjfantoo chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Marvelous! This is Marvelous!

Loved the separation because of business and how the entire thing transpired into everyone being in Italy for dinner for Renji's birthday. Particularly since it was a dream for him to be in Italy.

I cried actual tears when I read Renji's nightmare. How difficult it was for him to watch his dream slip slowly away along with someone he loved. It made his trip to Italy and Ichigo's sister and parents being there so much more wonderful.

Then to have his dream realized and to share it with another love that knew he had this dream with someone else. And to still go thru so much trouble to help Renji see his dream finally realized. This was just fantastic.
ichibanseiken chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Nice depth, awesome history, and refreshing descriptions of the environment. That is, it was there and alive without taking over the story. I love the sense of closure over Ichigo's death, too. This story gave me a happy, peaceful feeling.
Makai'sFavoriteKitsune chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
Once again, your writing astounds me with its beautiful description, and the easy going pace of the plot. I love the simplicity of your story, and the intimate setting you placed them in-demonstrating their relationship in such a comfortable and relax manner. Thanks for writing.