Reviews for Erised Revealed
sdrlana21 chapter 22 . 1/16
Good chapter glad Hermione finally know she’s pregnant!
RAV3N R1PP3R chapter 28 . 12/27/2019
So excited for more!
Foxzelaine101 chapter 28 . 12/26/2019
To be honest, I am just glad you finally been struck to write again and not bothered so much by the wait. (Some stories I have been waiting over 1 years to update) given it's Christmas, I see atleast a few of the professors popping in. Though I wouldn't be surprised is someone(s) try ruin happiness some how like Rita or one of the parents around break time or soon after.
As for her parents, they would naturally be concerned. Part of me hopes Mrs. Granger is one that as surprise fuse that Severus needs to watch out for. That said, I know Mr. Granger would have some words with him like father would where the daughter is concerned. Despite how much her parents try to understand and absorb things about the magical world in which Hermione lives, I don't think they would fully accept the bond is real and instead think she was drugged or cursed (probably by Severus) until maybe they see lighter side of the bond itself and how Severus is with her.
H.R.S chapter 21 . 12/19/2019
She is having twins!
RAV3N R1PP3R chapter 27 . 9/20/2019
Aghhhhh cliffhanger! Loved the update!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 27 . 9/17/2019
More, please update the next chapter quickly!
RAV3N R1PP3R chapter 26 . 8/7/2019
Firstly: Congrats! I’m very excited for you getting your degree!
Secondly: I LOVED the updateJust a small note as far as the story goes. Few spelling errors here and there. The potions professor’s name not completely fixed just yet. However my dear, I love this story despite those small things. You have a life that you live, and you still find a way to bring us an update. Thank you for not abandoning this story.
Lastly: I’m hungry for more as usual. :D
Vampire King chapter 12 . 7/10/2019
Another rape by the fates. And the constant kissing idk what yhe point of this story is anymore but its not the discription you gave.
Vampire King chapter 7 . 7/10/2019
Wow the hinted rape by the fates is kinda shady.
RhodaBush chapter 26 . 7/9/2019
MORE soon please
Foxzelaine101 chapter 26 . 7/9/2019
I'll have to reread all the other chapters for refresher before making any other suggestions or making sure I havent over-looked/misremembered anything. As it stands, twins I believe would come up and obviously take liberties to be their playful selves and probably see snape as "easier" target for jesting, but ultimately willing to help. Though they may partially do so with the hope to help influence the babies to be "upstanding citizens"*coughs some at that*. I see trelawney going to them when no others around and being annoying twit she is, though how that all goes is completely in your hands (as if rest isnt already so *says playfully*). I need refresher for any other possible students approaching them during or sometime after the meal. The teachers would definitely later wish speak with them:flitwick, sprout, hooch(I see her having some fun at snapes expense). As for not seeing the fetuses, I definitely need to reread before I suggest anything. Oh, before I forget to say so. One congrats on the degree. Two, I was super excited see new chapter finally added as I had feared maybe this story had seemingly been added to the disheartening pile of abandoned potential and greatness (utter sadness and tragedy).
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 26 . 7/9/2019
More, please update the next chapters quickly!
lia.a.karas chapter 25 . 7/17/2018
Interesting so far. Hope you get better soon and your dad does not need chemo
RhodaBush chapter 25 . 5/25/2018
RAV3N R1PP3R chapter 25 . 5/22/2018
Sorry to hear about the troubles. As I completely understand how badness can pile up, I wish you lots of luck. Hopefully things will get back on track for you.
I did enjoy the update very much. As always, I’m looking forward to more.
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