Reviews for It's A Girls' World I Live In
Guest chapter 15 . 12/17/2016
I am in love with this, perfect!
Guest chapter 8 . 12/17/2016
YES, DENNOR! I was hoping, with the absence of Norge I was hoping so badly! YASSSSSS!
btw, this is great, I am totally hooked. And the Prucan is real! I may be dying...
ardri1224 chapter 15 . 8/3/2016
I liked it a lot, and I really appreciated all the gender bent characters. Louise and Svea were my favorites. The story was funny and well written. :)
Guest chapter 15 . 6/10/2015
GREAT story! Every single character is unique and their interactions and dialogue are so interesting. You really captured the teenage spirit!
Also I like how throughout the story and that epilogue bit has a sense of realism to how relationships (especially young relationships) change and, more often than not, don't last. I'm so sick of reading stories with perfect romances starting in infancy or depressingly tragic love stories!
Anyways, great story, have a good day! 3
pro-cas-tination-assbutt chapter 2 . 11/5/2013
This. Is. So FUNNY! This is the first fic I've read where the guys talk like guys!I am loving this, amazing job! XXXX
Fueled by Earl Grey chapter 15 . 10/7/2013
I feel like my older brother would really enjoy this story, as he grew up with just my mother and I. :p
miistical chapter 15 . 10/5/2013
It was a joy reading this! Now, if you excuse me; it is currently 4:40 AM and I must go to bed.
miistical chapter 2 . 10/4/2013
If your friends talk like this, I want to meet them; this was hilarious!
Katie-Kat1129 chapter 15 . 8/31/2013
Did Alyssa marry a guy named Arthur? *nudge nudge, wink wink* I'm sorry, I've always wanted to fight about UsUk and FrUk. Love this story, love the ships and I'm going to read more of you stories.
floralscented chapter 6 . 8/26/2013
no, you sleep with your friends siblings, you deserve a shunning.
floralscented chapter 4 . 8/26/2013
hey, My aunt works at Ryerson! cool!
silvermangos chapter 15 . 7/23/2013
I just sat down for three hours and read your story from start to finish on the kink meme. And then I came and found it here so I could review. You are incredible. Incredible. I don't know what you did here, but I could not stop reading and reading and reading and I don't even like RusAme but you made me love it and I should be doing my summer homework right now because there's only a month left until I enter my freshman year of high school and I've barely started but I cannot express in words how much I love this story. The relationships were perfect. The FACE family dynamic was beautiful, and the way you showed the development in Matthew's friendships was amazing. Especially with him and Natalia. She goes from "psycho-bitch" to (I assume) the first person he says "I love you." to, and he really means it. And you had FrUk and PruCan. My two OTPs. I have nothing left to say. Your story is awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.
souleatersoulsister chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
I feel so mad for Mattie. Even as a girl I don't think I could deal with living surrounded by them. That is why I hope to have 1 boy and 1 girl when I have kids so it won't be one boy with 2 or more sisters or vice versa. I don't fully understand how Mattie feels living with a bunch of girls but I have had the opposite end. My mom used to work on the weekends a lot so I would be stuck at home to deal with my brother or dad. They love to randomly come in my room and bug me and when my mom isn't home I can't call her to so she can make them leave.
Animated Ninjas chapter 4 . 7/1/2013
You've made me ship Matthew and Natalia
They're so cute holy poop
i-Spit-on-Fire chapter 15 . 5/24/2013
Dude. That was awesome. I love it!
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