Reviews for The Ties that Bind
Anaea chapter 29 . 4/24/2013
*big anime river-teary eyes*

Best. Fanfic. EVER! *glomps author and cries like an idiot*
ChimamireNoBara22 chapter 29 . 12/17/2012
Love the sequel! :D You are an amazing author. I was a little worried when you reveiled her being a reincarnation of a goddess, but you made it work so much better then a lot of writers I've seen. Great job!
OMGOMG1 chapter 29 . 8/25/2012
This was really good! OMG i absolutely loved it! The ending was great too :D WRITE SOME MORE PLEASE!
Zlorecile chapter 29 . 3/29/2012
Aww. It was so cute. I liked the climax. It painted a beautifull picture and in an odd way reminded me of RomeoXJuliet (the anime) where romeo and juliet sacrificed themselves for the good of the world. It would be such a hard choice! If it was just her it might have been easier, but with a child added in it's like: Daaamn. I liked it though :3 Definitely sweet and cute and sad! Bravo Bravo!
hitsujiko chapter 29 . 2/29/2012
It was so romantic. I was in tears near the end. I have never read a story so wonderfully written. Thank you i enjoyed reading it. Hope you write more stories.
GraciieGoriie chapter 29 . 10/8/2011
I must say I fell in love with this story! I'm sad that it's over but I think the ending was perfect!
Deceived.Soul13 chapter 22 . 9/27/2011
Things are getting INTENSE! Man, this story is so good! Can't wait for the update!
Miko Hayashi chapter 18 . 9/19/2011
Three words: I love you. 8D
Miko Hayashi chapter 13 . 9/16/2011
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *cheers* They got back together! 8D
Miko Hayashi chapter 12 . 9/15/2011
It came out well. 8D I liked it very much. She ish a very smart cookie. Fffff
Miko Hayashi chapter 10 . 9/14/2011
I swear Madara is mind raping her. o3o
Miko Hayashi chapter 9 . 9/12/2011
Ffffffffffffffffffffff Sasuke. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Can I kill him? o3o I hate Sasuke with a burning passion. Poor Kisa and Ritsu though. Kisame is doing all this for's obvious. Although its a bad way of doing it, it's sweet. And Sasuke...blah. I hate him. Someone kill him off. Please. Save us the agony of dealing with him. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. 3
Themis Decima chapter 6 . 9/7/2011
I'm not sure if I've reviewed Reluctuant Bonds. In all honesty? I was very VERY shocked that Reluctuant Bonds received very few reviews. It was a beautiful story, but this one has a much more hmmmm... beauty in it? The love between Kankuro is beautiful, heartaching and sweet. I feel slightly sorry for Kisame, very very slightly, he disgusts me in this story. People change I guess. Congratulations for showing that nicely. The way Kisame changed from sweet caring husband to vile creature? The process was nicely done.

Update soon! The Kisame and Ritsuko have a baby part was a bit disconcerting but yeah.

Best of luck my dear authoress! And update soon!
Miko Hayashi chapter 3 . 9/5/2011
Uh oh. I sense Kisame said something. Oops. Update soon! :D
Miko Hayashi chapter 2 . 9/5/2011
Poor Kisame. He hasn't gotten over Ritsuko. I wonder how bad it is. Has he been depressed? Has he done anything foolish?
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