Reviews for Saber Marionette J vs M
Black Robed One chapter 1 . 2/24/2004
*To BakaMattSu* Well, I kinda have already reviewed this story of yours through e-mail, as this way of reviewing seemed to be much more appropriate to me, as I reviewed all 15 chapters of this story of yours, which you have written so far, not the single chapter, which you have uploaded to the . However, I would also like to say something to the people who might accidentally read this review of mine...
*To the people who might accidentally read this review of mine* People, if you haven't guessed this already, this story is just GREAT! It has interesting and intriguing storyline, with many wonderful scenes, both humorous and serious. BakaMattSu made a perfect job perfect depicting characters’ personalities, and also came up with some very interesting ACCs (author created characters)! While BakaMattSu uploaded only the first chapter of this story of his to the , the story is in fact much longer, and it isn't finished yet! Personally, I would highly advice you, people, to visit BakaMattSu's website - Castle Japoness ( . ) where you will be able to read all the chapters of this story, which BakaMattSu has written so far!
ppv14 chapter 1 . 8/15/2002
Kudos to you Baka for i have recently came across your fic and i must say your writing style sticks close to the acutal series! I myself however just came across the acutal series though because it was shown in my anime club at my school not more than oh 4-6 months ago

not to carry on any further though Smj is the best!
rick777 chapter 1 . 4/28/2002
I liked the old version better - at least,

the one for this chapter. Somehow, the funny situation of searching for jobs seemed quite depressing (or boring?) with your new writing style.

Anyway. Congratulations for the new start! I'm waiting for the 2nd chapter!
Xel-chan at sk00l chapter 1 . 4/26/2002
It's about damn time you brought this here! P

Get the sick Otaru one on here... his and Hana's interactions are so cute. . *bounces off*