Reviews for My Best Friend's Ex Girlfriend
Kimori Takahashi chapter 5 . 4/18/2014
Is this going to be a

Izumo/kagome/kotetsu pairing?
If not than it should.

I can't wait for your next chapters!

Please update soon as you can!
Seasonal Sonata chapter 5 . 5/10/2013
Update please?
Silver Unicorn Blood chapter 5 . 7/26/2012
Love it
YunaNeko chapter 5 . 7/16/2012
Wonderful. Love It. Can't Wait For Next Chapter. UPDATE SOON! GOOD LUCK:D
KanaKure chapter 5 . 7/16/2012
this seems really good! i hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/16/2012
I love this story. Its nice to see kagome be with someone else other than the regular people she's always paired with.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/16/2012
Lovely lovely chapter!(:
Guest chapter 4 . 7/14/2012
great chapter. im looking forward to finding out what you will have them do next.
YunaNeko chapter 4 . 7/13/2012
Wonderful. Love It. Can't Wait For Next Chapter. UPDATE SOON! GOOD LUCK:D
Doppelganger13 chapter 4 . 7/13/2012
I am such a fan of this story :)
Update soon please.
SweetHunniiBunnii chapter 4 . 7/13/2012
Lovely lovely work!
SweetHunniiBunnii chapter 3 . 7/12/2012
Lovely lovely work!
YunaNeko chapter 3 . 7/12/2012
Wonderful. Love It. Can't Wait For Next Chapter. UPDATE SOON! GOOD LUCK:D
oijijwd chapter 3 . 7/12/2012
okay so this is just a suggestion, not exactly a demand, but it would be major fan service if this became a sort of well... threesome relationship, iiif you know what i mean ;) sooo yea thanks again for writing this... and yea bye :)
lovelypink84 chapter 3 . 7/12/2012
Keep It coming please can't wait for more
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