Reviews for Terms of Life, Terms of Death
CrimsonMagi94 chapter 14 . 6/27/2009
I loved it. This brings back memories, you did a really good job with the plot.
SomewhereAwayFromTheSun chapter 11 . 11/21/2005
Absolutely wonderful! I know that you wrote this two years ago, and you might have left this site and will never get a chance to read this review, but I must say that that was one of the better fics that I’ve read here. I loved the game! Though, I was never quite sure why they called it Oni. In Japanese, Oni means demon. I guess Konoko turned into a demon (or Muro was a demon), I don’t know. I felt stupid when I first found out that Muro was Konoko’s brother. When I started playing the game, I thought that he was her father. Stupid me, hum? -

Tetsumaru chapter 14 . 5/26/2004
I just read your story, and I think it is one of the best works I have EVER seen. I know it's probably old for you, but I think a sequel would be greatt. SEQUEL! NOW! Eheheh... sorry...
jamee999 chapter 14 . 2/3/2004
Great ending what can i say
Bloody Kitten chapter 14 . 9/19/2003
MFK (sounds like motherf**ker!): i sttill get al emotional about this ficcie ::crying:: ::yelling:: ::smiling::

Shini: um is she ok?

Konoko: i do NOT know

Muro: Um , what happened to her?

Yura ( Valkyrie (Red) Fury): Must be PMS -_-


All puppets 'cept yura: . youre on your own

- Note : Yura was not harmed in the making of this short reveiw thingy

Cyblade Silver chapter 1 . 9/2/2003
I hope you write a sequel to this. I'd love to read it. :)
Cyblade Silver chapter 14 . 8/13/2003
That was a great story, and I liked the premise. It was nice to see Konoko and Muro working so well together. I also like the vauge reference to Batman Forever at the end. You know, the part where Robin was punching out Two-Face. Only Konoko actually KILLS Griffin, that makes a worl of difference. :)
GoldamonX chapter 14 . 4/3/2003
Beutifully done. That was a sad ending but if you can right a sequel. We beg of you
kazuya8 chapter 13 . 2/21/2003
WOOHOO! You go girl! (?) I LOVE this fic!
Zephyr5 chapter 14 . 12/29/2002
awesome, a great end to a great fic
YamiYumes chapter 14 . 12/24/2002
Kinda gross ending dont ya think? Lol j/k. I really liked it! This is the best Oni fic I've read so far. Well gotta go read some more! Bye!
kazuya8 chapter 14 . 12/17/2002
Oh that was a WONDERFUL story! I very much enjoyed it. I don't know what else to say here, I'm pretty much speechless... Cool ending by the way! It was brutal and kinda gory.. actually it reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - and then the Inca sacrifice ceremonies... LOL This is my all-time favorite Oni fic ever. G_R_E_A_T_J_O_B

Guardian795 chapter 12 . 12/8/2002
Great Story. Update soon
Zephyr5 chapter 12 . 11/30/2002
Woohoo! You updated *grins and blushes* guess I can't complain, not done too well at updating my own stuff recently :)

Yeah *muses* can't really see Konoko glomping Muro, although personally... Well, nuf said :)

Keep up the great work :p
animefan chapter 12 . 11/29/2002
Woohoo! Really nice! Ive played the game myself, and never really liked Griffin. I've also wondered how on the Syndicate attack on TCTF HQ mission, the Syndicate mangaed to move as fast as they did. And, well, Muro isn't too bad, in a way he's a lot like Konoko, Both have a lot in common.
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