Reviews for The Honorary Hobbit
Kristy LeeKl chapter 27 . 6/8/2019
I'm glad the last chapter written was on a high note. Although, I know what it is like to have dreams better than reality, and I'm not even injured!
I would have loved to see if the music and play would have worked, but I suppose I'll have to use my imagination until then.
Kristy LeeKl chapter 3 . 6/6/2019
You really did your research on first aid. Just reading this will help with my story! Thank you!
wswpub chapter 27 . 9/12/2018
hmmmit's been a year since you've updated. Is this wonderful story abandoned? Im enjoying how you've written the characters in your story. The hobbits aren't overly silly, FrodoSam aren't overly dramatic and the elves aren't "perfect". They make mistakes, don't all speak in the "common" tongue (which is what you'd expect) and I'm really enjoying Elronds and Gandalfs characters.

How about a update? Maybe leave out the nappy sections tho?
gibbsheroic27 chapter 26 . 1/7/2018
Just completed my fourth re-read of this, and it proved a lovely way to start my 2018 :) I know I've said it before, but I love, love, love Elrond in this.
Crossing fingers for an update whenever you get the chance, I know these things are crazy.
Happy 2018! GH27
gibbsheroic27 chapter 27 . 8/7/2017
I really liked this chapter, particularly the Frodo whump :) I may be a bit evil ; ) I have to ask though, any chance of there being any more Aragorn whump in the future? I kinda want him to reinjure his leg by walking on it too early...yeah, I'm definitely a bit evil ; P
Plus you're one of the best writers of Aragorn whump with fatherly/healer Elrond I've read and trust me, I've done lots of research. Years worth :)
Purestrongpoem chapter 27 . 8/6/2017
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 26 . 6/30/2017
One of the best angst stories. Pleeeeaaaase update soon.
Sev06 chapter 26 . 4/6/2017
Please update soon! It's 2017 now...
Frodo's sister chapter 26 . 10/30/2016
It is still a good story. You did a good job of showing Sam's anger toward Frodo, and I like how caring the hobbits are towards Aragorn.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/23/2016
AW YES! This is great! Can't wait for the next chapter! LOVED the ending!

((Btw this is Portkey to Reality but I didn't want to sign in XD laziness at its finest))
Purestrongpoem chapter 26 . 7/23/2016
Great chapter!
Frodo's sister chapter 23 . 7/15/2016
This is a well written story. I like how you showed how determined Frodo was to care for Aragorn. I also liked how you showed how caring the other hobbits are to Frodo and Aragorn, and your description of raw emotion from Elrond was excellent.
Frodo's sister chapter 19 . 7/10/2016
I like how you describe Elrond fixing Frodo's arm and Aragorn's leg, and how you have Elrond giving Aragorn fatherly correction for his stubbornness and risking further injury to himself. I also liked that Elrond told him that he is just as injured as Frodo is. It's been a while since I read this wonderful story. I'm going to read more until I catch up to the chapters.
T's Mommy chapter 25 . 6/11/2016
This story has me hooked. I've recently embarked upon the journey of herblore and your use of natural remedies and tinctures that I'm currently investigating is fascinating. Thank you a very thought provoking story.
Pericula Ludus chapter 25 . 6/6/2016
Oh this fic is just wonderful! So happy you found the time for another chapter.
Hahaha, how adorable! Poor Aragorn under the scrutiny of those inquisitive hobbits. Good thing they accompany the embarrassment with so much love and care.
Frodo's wound is really such an enigma, not healing as it should. I feel sorry for the poor guy, how very frustrating for him to still be stuck in bed with seemingly little progress. He'll be happy to still have Aragorn for company for now.
Dundundunduuuuh... and now we've got a very angry Sam. And rightly so. Will be looking out for the next chapter. Keep up the great work!
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