Reviews for When The Boys Open Up HD
Twinkie216 chapter 28 . 2/21/2013
OKay great story. To sum it up, it's unique and so different from the rest. I have wanted to cry so many times while reading this. I love it. I love how you summed it up to. Just great!
Lavendor Queen chapter 28 . 2/3/2013
Why was Kisame and Sasori so moody with Kawako?
Daisy Kaminari chapter 28 . 1/29/2013
This was an amazing story! XD Made my day!
kurohime1024 chapter 28 . 1/29/2013
I really, really liked this story. I liked the battle royale between Kawako and Kisame. I liked, no loved Itachi's random moments of absurdity, and, even though I'm not a huge Kabuto fan to begin with, I think you made him a bit more likable. I liked the way you ended it, too. But, if you were to do a sequel, I would want to see them...I dunno, maybe, 5 years down the road. You know, not just pick up where you left off. I want to see what happens to them after they all go to college and start living their lives. Excellent storytelling skills, I enjoyed it very much.
Daisy Kaminari chapter 18 . 1/29/2013
Oh, the betrayal! This is a great story! XD BUT WHY AREN'T THERE MORE REVIEWS?!
kurohime1024 chapter 18 . 1/18/2013
Stay tuned? Of course I will stay tuned! I just have to find out what happens next, what with the creepmaster Orochimaru runnin things, and uber goober Kabuto being so nice and shit. And Ninja. That's so friggin mysteriously fantastic. Please update soon!
kurohime1024 chapter 17 . 1/13/2013
Hehehe, Sakura's so evil. Sumthins bothering me. Kawako doesnt want anyone to know she's joined Orochimaru's team, but, when she fights them, then theyl know, and be even more mad. Why doesnt she just spill...or at least stop worrying about it?
kurohime1024 chapter 16 . 1/11/2013
*Le Gasp* Whaa? Oh, Kawako, what have you done? Kabuto is a BAD GUY! Arg, never trust the anime man in glasses! Now I have to keep reading. *shocked mutters* cant believe she joined up with Orochimaru...creepy snake man...Madaras gonna b PISSED!
Perona Persona chapter 16 . 1/10/2013
I hate Kabuto. I've hated Kabuto since I first saw him on the show. But you make me kinda like him xD
kurohime1024 chapter 15 . 1/6/2013
Like, what? What the crap is Madara up to? And Zetsu's so cute!...but also up to something. *sigh* so much drama in the Hoshigake household. There is something bothering me, tho. Maybe its just me, but I was really cheering for Hidan to end up with Kawako...and hes with INO? What the what?
kurohime1024 chapter 13 . 1/3/2013
NOOOOOO! Not Kabuto! Grrr, I hate that man. Update! *radda radda spaz attack* Zetsu's so cute! But, what the feck is up with Kisame bein sucha dick about Kawako dating?
kurohime1024 chapter 10 . 12/16/2012
Kaku-sempai? didnt see that one coming. I like KawakoXHidan betta, anyhow. I thought for sure it was Madara, or for a second there, Sasori. Hell, even Zetsu! *Iv decided I love Zetsu, btw. He's the bestest!* But hey, for all his money grubbing, miserly ways, Kaku-sempai is a badass. Keep up the good work!
Nevernoted chapter 9 . 12/13/2012
im guesing his face turned purple
kurohime1024 chapter 9 . 12/13/2012
Aww, Zetsu! *fangirl squee* ur so cute! O.O whatchu plannin, creepy snake man?
kurohime1024 chapter 8 . 12/12/2012
I suggest you start planning waaayyy ahead of time, cuz Madara dont play. He's always at least 10 steps ahead. If ur gonna kill him, Kawako, plan ahead for his planning ahead...he's crazy like that.
I feed off of updates. feed me?
Oh, and Hidan over Madara any day.
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