Reviews for No Better Name
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5
I enjoyed your Rushlight stories very much and return time and again to read. Please post the third story.. Pretty please...
ksecc1 chapter 5 . 11/25/2019
Your characters are so well rounded and well written.
margie-me chapter 13 . 10/29/2019
Oh, my! The third to to the last paragraph, when they all saluted Bowen in farewell and him feeling as if 'he was seeing legends from the mists of time come to life from the old tales and stories' was so very beautiful and emotive, it could have been a line Tolkien himself wrote-and you couldn't ask for better than that! It left me thunderstruck, as if I was there with Bowen and seeing the glory of Numenor myself. It makes your heart soar. So deserving of being favorited and reread many times over.
margie-me chapter 12 . 10/29/2019
Start with learning how to make a proper cake-ha-ha-ha! (But to give him the benefit of the doubt, Bowen did think he'd used too much ginger.) And Aragorn would brook no denial, so Bowen had best accept the aid for his farm with grace. And it's so endearing and so like him that Aragorn cuddles little Owen Estel! I think Bowen's tiny son is good for the pain he bore for the girl child he had to bury, and the unfounded curses spoken against him. And a promise to the child that his family would be kept safe. If Bowen could know that, I think his heart would be full. What a blessing and a sweet chapter. Love how you portray Aragorn, Halbarad, Denlad, Bowen and the rest.
margie-me chapter 11 . 10/29/2019
Poor Bowen and Denlad, both! Bowen is uncertain what to think of the Rangers, and Denlad may be rightly concluding the man who cruelly beat him and his mother years ago was Bowen's rogue, ne'er do well, miscreant uncle! What a world. Bowen is not Rowen, nor was his father Owen, who was friendly with Strider. With the new baby and all this mystery, no wonder Bowen is overwhelmed. Then, to top things off-more Rangers! Great job, and the humor is spot on.
margie-me chapter 10 . 10/29/2019
Bravo, bravo!
margie-me chapter 9 . 10/29/2019
I am floored! Poor Denlad. I even wonder what drove her from her people? Something serious had to have happened to drive her from the Dunadan and live by prostituting herself in order to survive! And then the murders, too...Even if the Men were cads and brigands, it wasn't right, and she made her son complicit. What a horrible life.
margie-me chapter 8 . 10/29/2019
Aragorn is healing and Halbarad intends to sort out Denlad-or so he hopes. I just wonder if there's some dark memory Denlad associates with Bowen, though they'd never met before. It seems he is particularly mistrustful of the poor farmer...I was wondering about those traditions of the pepper cake, shortbread, and buns. It seemed strange to me that Flora told him not to forget to bake "his" cake! Thanks for the elucidation. You're a marvel.
margie-me chapter 7 . 10/29/2019
I love their camaraderie! Splendid!
margie-me chapter 6 . 10/29/2019
Again, another fine chapter and Bowen learns a bit more about his guests. Seeing them so tall, grim, and fell looking, Bowen trembles and tries to hide it. He quickly notices Halbarad's similarity to Aragorn, and his dog is soon taken with Halbarad. It's alright if your dog likes a person; shows they scent no harm from someone. I loved how Halbarad, though guarded, feels comfortable enough in Bowen's company to converse a bit. The books, being his father's and long lost, now in this worthy farmer's keeping (who happens to enjoy them greatly), is quite an unexpected find. That Bowen offers them back, yet Halbarad bids him keep them, shows just what sort of Men they are. As for Denlad's taciturn manner, I suppose the reason for his attitude will be revealed. Stunning work!
margie-me chapter 5 . 10/29/2019
Delightful, delightful! People like Bowen and his kind-hearted wife, Flora, are the reason Aragorn and his men fight against the dark of Sauron. They certainly deserve protection, unknown or acknowledged though it is. Love your writing very much indeed. (And the earthiness of their speech comes across as naturally as breathing, too.)
margie-me chapter 4 . 10/28/2019
Butterbur sure didn't ease their concerns, did he?
margie-me chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Feral-a wounded eagle-grim; such descriptions of Aragorn are right on the money! And then, "Looks like something a king might wear, if you'll forgive me for getting too fanciful" "I know, I know you're no king, that's for certain.." Bowen is a treasure. Brings a smile to my lips at every turn.
margie-me chapter 2 . 10/28/2019
Denlad is clever, convincing Halbarad to go for a respite in Bree, with that arm injury. What will Halbarad think when he finds Aragorn ill, and not enjoying himself at The Prancing Pony as he groused? I hope he has a worthy second in command in mind to appoint while they're away. Just two at a time does seem reasonable, if none of the Enemy is lurking about. Very good once again. I begin to believe you are totally incapable of poor writing!
margie-me chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
Your Bowen is a marvelous character. He puts me in mind of the Samaritan, he does! Aragorn hopefully appreciates coming upon someone with a good heart and kind disposition towards a stranger, especially one whose people have no good repute with the locals. It is so appealing that Bowen sees the hidden virtues in this Ranger, and I am guessing Aragorn sees the worthiness in Bowen, too. Imagine apologizing for his rudeness to the farmer so gracefully, and finally accepting the dreaded poultice, which dredged up past childhood discomforts MORE than twenty years gone, I'm thinking! "By Elbereth, did you put onions in it?" A small burn and upset stomach might just be worth getting rid of the cough, poor Man! Bowen's shock at seeing the scars Strider bears was a nice touch, too. I absolutely loved this chapter, and thank you for the continuance, as well. Just great!
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