Reviews for Bubble Puppy
iamhalfdead chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
Breakmystride chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
I feel like this story is so accurate cause honestly I can imagine something like this happening on the show and Harvey conveniently throwing in the Seinfeld referrence. All hail the bubble boy!
Obscured Angel chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
Thank you for writing and posting, it's appreciated.
IsoldeAhlstrom chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Harvey gets driven crazy by this not-caring thing, doesn't he? Well done!
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Asdfghjkl that was amazing! I really hope you continue to write more fanfics in the future! :D
hedtia chapter 1 . 8/4/2013
Aww, too cute :) Loved it!
Insanity Suits Me chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Do you have any idea how much I gushed when I saw your stories here? Sorry, new fan of Suits here (and evidently I have lousy timing for falling for a show... NEXT SUMMER? :/ ) but I've always LOVED your stories at White Collar... I almost live for them, and imagine my delight when I saw you here as well... :D :D

Anyway going on, this was again a perfectly characterized and very well written piece of writing and I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between Donna and Harvey and Mike's desperate "I can't blame you cause you're the only one left." That was simply lovely :)

Now excuse me, I am off to stalk you and read all you've written for this fandom! :P
RLBB chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
Aw very cute and sweet :)

And of course Donna always knowing the right thing to do. Nice job!
lizzysarai chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
Ooh this is a really wonderful piece.

The narration is what really made it stand out, all the conflicting emotions and turmoil inside, it was very moving. Their dioluge isn't cheesy and Donna being the voice of reason, callig him out tying to path things up, is just so in character.

Also Mike so kind, and hurt (whih really has to be my favorite part;)) and willing to forgive. Bur also his strength, wanting to stand on his own two feet, and the part when he said not to treat him fragile, it just made me squeal like a little girl.

Very nicely written, good job.
Elerrina Star chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
*squee* I just... I'm kinda speechless at the moment from all the AWESOME that just attacked me, so forgive me if I burst into random squealish bits of happy during the rest of the review. *squee*

Gosh, I don't even know where to start. The whole thing was great - your characterization is alway so perfect!

The first part that just really made me smile was this:

"The answer, the only thing in the world that could pull guilt from a soul surrounded by stone, came in the form of a human being. A person, a man reality had forced out at an early age, but in her eyes, along with the eyes that mattered most, a kid. It was a child carrying the weight of the world upon his thin, fragile shoulders, but supporting it with a heart bigger than himself, a heart that was constantly getting dented and scratched, but healthily kept beating despite the damage it took. The answer was Mike."

Seriously, that had me awww-ing and grinning like you wouldn't believe.

Another really great part that got me squeeing:

"Harvey!" Mike shouted to get the older man's undivided attention. It worked and for a second Mike tried to take slow, steady breaths as his chest started burning. "I don't blame you, I - I can't blame you." His voice was quiet.

"What do you mean?" Harvey asked matching his associates volume.

Mike looked away, uncomfortable, almost embarrassed. "You're...the only person I have left... the only person I trust. I can't just...

"Donna was right." Harvey said after a moment. "You do have blind faith."

"No, I don't." Mike objected, shaking his head. "It's not blind."

... Yeah, I'm going to squee again now. XD

The part that REALLY brought out my crazy-fangirl side though, was this:

"...What I was going to say is that somebody has to look out for the puppy because the puppy shouldn't have to look after himself."

Gyah! I may die of gooshy fluffy Harvey love now. And Puppy-Mike love, too! Seriously, this part right here made my whole day.

Ok, enough of my insanely long review. Just wanted to make sure you knew how completely in love with this I am! Thanks sooooo much for posting it! Going in my favorites for sure!
00000909000000 chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
I loved this one-shot. I really enjoyed how we didn't know what had happened to Mike until close to the end. Loved the talk between Mike and Harvey the undercurrent of emotions was spot on perfect. Thanks so much for sharing. :)
jodiesto chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
hollowgirl15 chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
I am having a love affair with this oneshot. I am happy to announce that we are eloping to Vegas within the hour. It was love at first read.

I loved Bubble Boy! It was one of my favorite movies of all time! God I loved this oneshot. Just so so sooooo much!
signofthetimes chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
So much love for this fic. Donna knows all, including how obvious it is that Mike totally looks up to Harvey and trusts him more than almost anyone in his life apart from Grammy. Caring!Harvey is my absolute favorite!
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