Reviews for Strangers on a Train
Guest chapter 65 . 3/29
Hello from 2020! I am so happy I came across this story on an SG1 fic rec post. I don’t know if you still check for comments but it doesn’t matter. You deserve to be acknowledged and praised for your imagery and heck your brain. This story IS beautiful. Everything about this story was beautifully written and thought out. I can’t really form the proper words to explain how much I enjoyed reading Strangers on a Train. I have bookmarked this fic as well as your page and plan on reading more of your stories. Thank you for the time you put in writing this. It may have been years ago, but that time is still be appreciated and will still be appreciated as long as there are people like me and your previous readers who enjoy a lovely SJ fanfic.
guest chapter 65 . 1/22
Wow...this story is amazing. I have just read it for the second time - the first being several years ago, and it is awesome. Thank you so much. Its a classic!
Stargate Trekker chapter 65 . 6/1/2019
That was excellent. Thank you.
Jo chapter 65 . 7/16/2018
This was wonderful. Thank you.
ConnieN chapter 30 . 6/26/2018
Just found this story last night. It is so good! I don’t want to put it down, but if I don’t go get ready for work I will be late and I don’t think saying, “Oh, I was reading this story” is going to be a good enough excuse. Looking forward to getting back to it this evening!
steadfast chapter 64 . 4/5/2018
I have just finished re-read this story after quite a while. It is just as wonderful as it was the first time. Thank you!
mishymo chapter 65 . 4/2/2018
An Easter Monday well spent. Thanks for a fantastically intricate story!
Chriscarter661 chapter 65 . 2/14/2018
Really great story ! Never read it before and it's a shame. Thank you ... six years later
Guest chapter 65 . 11/29/2017
I read this story when you first posted it and this story is still THE BEST! So, when I came across your story; I had to read it again:) Thanks
Northofthewall chapter 65 . 4/16/2017
Best bit of Stargate fanfic I've ever read. Such great storytelling. Really well done.
Guest chapter 65 . 3/22/2016
The highlight of my year so far has been finding this story. Wow. Just wow.
Hopping Mad - Chrissy chapter 65 . 12/1/2015
Brilliant. You have a real talent! I think there might be a prequel to this I've missed so I'll have to go look... but like I said, bloody brilliant. :)
Starbuck17 chapter 65 . 7/14/2015
Wow that was beautifully written, well done! Fantastic plot. Unfortunately I haven't seen the movie in a very long time so did get ever so slightly lost towards the end but still thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you.
Guest chapter 65 . 6/17/2015
Well, that was epic! Wow.
What a fantastic job, congratulations.
Guest chapter 63 . 6/17/2015
I love the extra bits between Sam and Tealc in this chapter
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