Reviews for Old Dog, New Tricks
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
Oh crap! Need to get John back!
lime juize chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
I absolutely loved this. I had already bookmarked it ages ago but as I was rereading it I noticed I never left a review. This was excellent. I loved how Sherlock described the wrongness of John was wonderful writing there very emotionally insightful.
T'Kerstin chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
This was well written and a good story, but I can't imagine John would turn on Sherlock unless being drugged or brainwashed (which isn't an unlikely thing for Moriarty to do, I think).
Rain Seaker chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
This is a great story, your personification of Moriarty was good. However, I didn't think that you needed to add the extra dashes and ~~ in the words. Often times when people read a fanfiction they are already reading in a character's voice, so you don't always have to add extra bits for inflection.

Great job though, really.

ZombieKillerLevi chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
*reads author's note* C'mon? Seriously? Andrew Scott's Moriarty and Heath Ledger's Joker could be the two best friends that anybody could have. Hell, I'm writing a Dark Knight and Sherlock crossover because of it.

Amazing, awesome one-shot by the way. I can't help but think "Poor John. Poor Sherlock" Great suspense, just...great a lot of things. I love it. I love this. I love you. Because you are absolutely awesome.

You did quite an awesome job capturing Jim's speech pattern. It was better then what I could've done anyway.

Please remain awesome,

LuffyMarra chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Poor Sherlock. And poor John. If John is now Jim's right hand man, does that mean that he killed Web?
sentarla chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
Wow I am with Sherlock. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Is this finished or is there more to come?
Zonya chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
amazing story, are you going to continue it?
Jodi2011 chapter 1 . 9/16/2011
This is brilliantly written. I was waiting for a twist at the end where John shoots Moriarty dead, but you have instead twisted the knife further into Sherlock's heart by having John echo Sherlock's words about heroes back to him.

Thankfully, however, I can't imagine John ever turning to the darkside... not with Moriarty anyhow.

Hope you write more John and Sherlock fics :)