Reviews for Reasons to Love You
eckomoon chapter 14 . 4/4/2016
Read the rest of this on my Kindle during my lunch break today. I really loved this story. I'm normally more of an angst girl but I liked reading this happy story of Eli and Clare falling in love again. And it was cute that Eli bought Clare tickets to NY. Glad Darcy made an appearance and that everyone is accepting of Eli. It was well written and in character :) Also, I really miss this Clare, a Clare that can have a lot of fun. I may be in a minority but I felt like Clare got ooc and was never that fun after Season 10. I still mostly liked Clare but I thought they turned up her seriousness a bit too much.
eckomoon chapter 8 . 4/4/2016
Aww sad Clare's grandmother died but loved the movie and the snuggling! They are adorable :)
eckomoon chapter 7 . 4/4/2016
Woah Ali and Adam, that's a pairing I've never even thought of! but they seem to happy. I'm disappointed Clare and Eli didn't spend the night together but enjoyed Clare and Ali's conversation. Now, I have to stay up a little longer to read the next chapter :p
eckomoon chapter 5 . 4/4/2016
Wow they really didn't keep tabs on each other at all. I love that Eli thought she was still dating Jake though. These two are both still totally into each other and thinking the other isn't. It's cute :)
eckomoon chapter 4 . 4/4/2016
Swoon. This is starting to get steamy. And the story is very in character. I like that they both really wanted to know things. I like that they thought the cop was trying to bust them and hid the drinks in the closet. I got random checks when I lived in the dorms quite often and we had hiding spots. Loving the story!
eckomoon chapter 3 . 4/4/2016
Aww they are helping each other out with writing, just like old times. So cute. I hope shirtless Eli makes more appearances.
eckomoon chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
Let the fireworks begin! Oh Eli running away after class. I'm glad they had a little chat. Excited to see where this goes.
eckomoon chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
Oh naive Clare :p Can't wait for the two to have a run in! Liking the setup of the story.
Adriana chapter 14 . 8/2/2015
This story is AMAZING! Please Continue!
degrassilove18 chapter 14 . 2/10/2014
love this story i remeber reading it a long time ago but i just read the whole thing again and it didnt have this last chapter in it.. hope there is more? i wanna hear about new york ! xoxo kendra
Guest chapter 14 . 1/2/2014
Amazing! Please update!
Lady Elsbeth chapter 14 . 6/17/2013
NOOOOH why did it end? i love this story and you are an amazing writer! pleaase go on !
Guest chapter 14 . 2/16/2013
Love it! Please continue! Sequel? (;
ashleyjewelzz chapter 14 . 10/22/2012
Seriously this is the second time I am reading this story you NEED. To continue your such an amazing writer I like have an addiction to your stories .(:
ChasingYou chapter 11 . 10/16/2012
Ok, so I'm only half way in this chapter and I already felt the need to share my feeling. As a person who has psychological problems herself, this is very realistic. I'm trying really hard right now to cry because everything that Eli is going through in this chapter has happened to me as well. And every now and then it happens again and it jus so aaah and familiar when Eli talks about it. So I just felt the need to let you know that this makes me feel like I'm not alone.

And that if Eli is strong enough to make it, then I can be strong enoug as well. I just wish I had a Clare right now who would bring me chinese food and soup when I'm feeling depressed. But I ususally push people away when I'm like this, much like Eli does in this chapter.

So yeah, it is just really familiar. And again I just want to say thank you for making me feel less alone.
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