Reviews for When The Ocean Meets the Shore
Aster Knight Sapphire chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
Beautiful story
CelicaChick chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
What a great story! Loved everything about it!
Ellarot chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
Great story! I really like stories that add more depth to Steve and your story does so wonderfully! thank you!
john'sgirlfriend2date chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
This is a damn fine fic! Thank you.
Also it was so sweet seeing names of SGA writers here. I miss all of you and the SGA fan fics. If we could turn back time. *sigh*You all have given me many hours, days, weeks, months, and years of whumping, pleasure and fun. Stay cool and God bless. (formerly Space1Traveler)
jean25 chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
Just discovered your stories and thoroughly enjoyed this one, read like a movie, love your background on Steve, the flashbacks woven in to the present lending explanation to Steve the Seal, the man, the hero and most of all a Friend.
Belker chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
Wonderful story! So well written and so emtional at times.
Well done:)

Cc1973 chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Brilliantly crafted!
GraceGraceGrace chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
Wow! What a thrill ride! I enjoyed every twist, every turn, every word!
Runner043 chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
Just finished your story. Very nicely done, and I enjoyed it a lot.
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
wow what a great story!
McShep01 chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
This story is FANTASTIC!

Great writing and tension! It was like watching the real show!

You managed to describe the main characters wonderfully and the switchs to Steve past added great depht to the plot.

Also I love the way you 'whump' Steve. ;)

He was on the verge of exhaustion and yet he kept going on.

I hope to read more from you soon.
GreenEyes09 chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
This was a great story I loved it.
bluchampaegne chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
great writing and solid plot. Great job. Have a good day. :)
AZGirl chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Thanks for sharing this great story with us! I really enjoyed reading it including the flashbacks, angst, etc.
ontara chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
Awesome story! I enjoyed it very much - the characters were so believable character :) great work!
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