Reviews for James Potter Chronicles: Year Two
Guest chapter 15 . 7/3
I just want to say it’s kinda hilarious that Voldemort would want to recruit 12 year olds. Other than that, you’re great at writing, and it’s a good story if I pretend they’re 6th or 7th years!
Lily James chapter 24 . 3/25
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 24 . 1/12
Year Three, here I come.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 23 . 1/12
Well, that got dark fast. Epic, but dark.

The biggest take I have from this chapter is that holy shit you're Dumbledore is a BAMF!
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 22 . 1/12
All of it, every last moment of this chapter, was priceless. I rarely find a story that has such a satisfying what for for a group of bullies than this, and that image of Arhtur's face looming over Lucius, ethereal.

James has a point though, he does have five whole years to make it up to Lily, and they have no proof he was involved in this, two points really.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 21 . 1/12
Oh that match was fucking EPIC! I love huge scenes like that, and the Slytherins thought they were the only ones who could be Sly and Brutal. Snape was still a bitch though, sending that Bludger at James, wish I could've seen the Twins lay into him and Malfoy.

On another plus, James and Lily are getting closer by the chapter, and I couldn't be happier.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 20 . 1/12
Oh the tension in this chapter is so thick, and it was like the midst of a thriller, never knowing what's coming next, or when.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 19 . 1/12
Lucius once again proves himself to be a pathetic little bitch, obviously too afraid of facing Gryffindor in the final match.

That mach was just fantastic, your action skills have improved even more, and the chapters are even longer, I love when authors do that.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 18 . 1/12
Gideon and Fabian are a requirement for any vengeful pranking, and another image has been added to my mental album, Arthur Weasley hanging Lucius Malfoy over the edge of the Tower by his underwear.

These fireside chats truly are gems, a good break from the fighting, a chance to breathe.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 17 . 1/12
James and Lily have made some genuine progress, and I couldn't be prouder, and it was fantastic to see them fighting side by side.

Snape royally fucked up this chapter, and Lily was there to see it, she can't possibly ignore this par of him forever, no matter how he spins things.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 16 . 1/11
I'll admit, Tom's time in Hogwarts has always intrigued me. I haven't really found any good fics on what he did at the time, it's a shame too. His Hogwarts years have such a good political mystery thriller type feel. Every time I read about even the lightest bit about it, I find myself enthralled.

Once again, Remus' brain comes to the rescue, easily picking up the clue of Hagrid's years at Hogwarts as a way of finding Riddle's name.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 15 . 1/11
I'd always expected Lily to be a target, never really new how soon she'd be under fire. Nice to see she was glad to see James though.

It can never be stated how much of a bitch Snape is.

And now they finally have a way to become Animagi.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 14 . 1/11
Remus' ability to understand things has always been one of his best qualities, how he uses it, and how he lays his thoughts out for others is just artful. If James actually follows his advice, he and Lily could be together sooner than he thinks.

It's a little sad that he has to stay at Hogwarts instead of going home to be with his parents, but at least he still has Sirius by his side.

Mondego's a bitch, but even he can't deny James' skill in this situation, and once again Snape is being a self righteous control freak.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 13 . 1/11
Evans FINALLY calmed down enough to have a moment, and actual, honest to God moment with Potter, after he FINALLY laid into her, and it's ruined by basically naked Sirius Black.

I'd hate him if it wasn't so funny.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 12 . 1/11
I doubt anyone could blame James for feeling like that after what was done to him, and that quote about great wizards, like father like son.

I do love a good dose of Alice and Frank, their chemistry is off the charts, and that was a nice point about Frank, if anyone knows what James is going though, it's him.

And Sirius once again proves himself to be the best friend any man or woman could ask for.
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