Reviews for Existentialism on the Night After
RainingMoondrops chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Um...In the second AN, you put N.D. instead of N.G. lol

Wow...I really don't know what to say...This was beautiful...I'm totally going to go stalk your gallery now...
yay chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
This is sweet.
bookaddict27 chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
This was gorgeous. I love the style of writing, everything just seemed to flow together seamlessly. I really enjoyed reading this.
icingsugar chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
Absolutely gorgeous writing. I really enjoyed this.
ylc chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
This was absolutely wonderful. I really liked it. Good work!
Sister-to-the-Queen chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
What I mainly love about this piece is how smooth and natural it all feels. Conscious thought is barely necessary; it's all instinct and emotion. It just... happens, because it's right that it happens this way. And they both know it.

And the last few paragraphs are so subtly done that I'm still not certain whether or not sexuality is actually involved. I'll say that there isn't. It would disturb the peace, somehow, the dreaminess, see what I mean? Besides, it's not like these two need it to express their affection.

And I can see perfectly well how your existentialism research would have led to this. It's one of the things that can be found in the book itself, I feel, and it's one of the things that make that book so great.

"Aziraphale fit into him like the ocean along the shoreline and the demon allowed an exhausted smile to grace his face while lazily returning the kisses that Aziraphale was plying him with, still as soft as moth's wings."

I adore this line.

Thank you.
Penmaron chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
Mmm - I really, really enjoyed this.

The slow, almost languid feel of the writing was amazingly effective. I loved how different it was to other pieces I've read about the direct aftermath of then near-Apocalypse, how you didn't fall into the trap of 'mad making-out'. I especially liked how you described Aziraphale's kisses ('barely-there whisper' - just, YES) and how he took off Crowley's jacket, like he was giving him time to back out.

I'm glad that you decided to hint at the sexual act rather than go into great detail - it kept the story's solemnity, and added a lovely hint of sensuality rather than sexuality.

Also - I must give you kudos for NOT describing Aziraphale as smelling like lilac, or something equally flowery. I personally have always imagined him being a warm character - and 'the tones of early autumn and apple harvests' fit that perfectly. I also liked the way you capitalised some of the words, such as 'Other' and 'Right'.

The only thing which I must say threw me off a little was how you used dollars instead of English pounds. But that's me being nit-picky.

This is a lovely piece, and I hope you write some other Good Omens stories!