Reviews for Faux Pas
Tawny779 chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
not typically one to leave comments on things, but I keep coming back and reading this. It's a wonderful story about one of my favorite couples within the Fire Emblem series. I just wish there were more to it. Ah well, c'est la vie
fl1nt5ton35gumm135 chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
Ahh this is perfect. It has cute moments and funny moments and it just combines into this wonderful story. I really love the pairing too, and I like that you kept Florina alive. This may be one of my new favorite stories and it would have been wonderful to see you continue it.
Fireminer chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
Splendid! The plot is quite simple, but your writing makes it amusing. Hope to see more FE fics coming from you!
Hydro Dexter chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
Cute fanfic! I love RoyxLilina, so it's awesome to see another fanfic about the pairing!
Gunlord500 chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
This was a wonderful, *wonderful* piece. Thank you so much for writing it! There's so much I could compliment you on, ranging from your blending of characters from FE6 and 7 to the dialogue to the politics to the relationships to your portrayal of the pairing itself, but I just don't have time ATM! I'll just say that I think you have a surprisingly good grasp of male reactions to a woman's advances-Roy's reactions to Lilina were definitely true to life. Really good work! Thanks again for letting me read this.
nooneimportant2 chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
This was really cute and I'd say that your "medieval speech" worked pretty well

There's just not enough Roy/Lilina here on this site.
WET NOODLES chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
The story was really cute! The "medieval talk" was kind of jarring at times (they'd use less modern speech patterns while dropping "anachronistic" colloquialisms) but for the most part it was really natural-sounding, especially the banter between Roy and Zeiss/Wolt. And Aunt Farina is the best aunt.

References to showers in FE fic always throw me, but I will accept that Ostia is standing on the cutting edge of indoor plumbing technology. Same with Florina's continuing survival - it's not strictly canon, but it was cute enough to just run with it.

But yeah, more like this! I really like it when stories bridge the gap between FE6/7, and I wouldn't have minded reading a multichapter of everyone's parallel faux pas, but this is a fun read on its own.
voltaire22 chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
It was fun, thanks. Just a sidenote, but you do know Florina is supposed to be long~ long~ dead (if she is Lilina's mother) and you can't tell if someone's pregnant in a day (in medieval times), right?