Reviews for Vandread: Mobius
Mega Mario 6 chapter 3 . 7/25/2015
Ok, so I could accept a random green meteor TARDIS, and an F-22 is capable of keeping its pilot alive and breathing in space for a little while with its on board oxygen and pressurized cockpit but it's not a Veritech. Aerodynamic control surfaces are worse then useless in space and at most you could get a little thrust just by opening the fuel valve in the engine and hoping more of the now gaseous fuel went out the back than the front.

But Eh, what ever, Van dread is one of the softest scifi anime I've ever watched so I'll roll with it. Then you go and break the forth wall; because flying an F-22 in space is no big deal but a space dart and a mech that he has never seen before get a new paint job means it's time to point out the obvious? LOL

This will be interesting
Arkisenn chapter 18 . 2/22/2015
This was an enjoyable read. I've never played the Ace Combat series, but I don't feel like I'm lost or confused when you reference the game. Can't wait to read the sequel.
1st Lieutenant. Fae chapter 18 . 6/11/2013
A fine ending I think. A final chapter to show that even though the crew of the Nirvana have survived they still have a tough road ahead and Mobius is starting to show his fear of the future. Thankfully Meia is there with him to give him the strength he needs.

I like the quotes you used at the beginning and end of the chapter are you planning on doing that for stage 2 as well?
Gravenimage chapter 18 . 6/8/2013
Love the Mobius/Meia but I still don't know if yellow 13 will have a girlfriend of his own keep up the great chapter.
1st Lieutenant. Fae chapter 17 . 6/2/2013
Great chapter there. The two quotes from Lincoln and Churchill added a really nice touch on both parts and really helped emphasize what the battle was about. The crew was falling apart and turning against each other, but thanks to Dita they all came back together and fought for their victory so they could continue to survive.

And of course as always you end with a scene between Mobius and Meia, I can only imagine just how far their relationship will go in stage 2. And Leona is now opening up to Mobius so many questions about the future.

Well don't keep me waiting to long, upgrade to stage 2 already.
1st Lieutenant. Fae chapter 16 . 6/2/2013
Even in the face of a flagship and copies of the Vandreads Mobius still remains a smarta**.

And he says his plan is to take a nap and then think of something? Seriously now
Vader23A chapter 17 . 5/18/2013
Episode 13 of the first stage of Vandread is my favorite episode. It represents the crew's resolve to battle the Harvesters to protect those they cherish. Sometimes, you must fight if you want to protect someone you care about.

It's nice that Leona finally warmed up to Mobius 1. And Mobius and Meia's relationship continues to grow.

Hope you have fun at Animazement next week.

Update soon.
Gravenimage chapter 17 . 5/18/2013
This was a great way to end the first stage leaving it with a soft cliffhanger. I am looking forward to the next chapter keep up the good work.
Judaz chapter 16 . 5/7/2013
Duuude, i realllly love thiis story !
Vader23A chapter 16 . 4/30/2013
"Hm, did say something?" lol. That's such a funny line. I always loved that when Gei from Naruto was talking to Kakashi and Kakashi was ignoring him then asked Gei if he said something.

So, the Harvesters acquired a Stonehenge-class weapon? Mobius 1 destroyed the superweapon once, he can do it again.

Update soon.
Gravenimage chapter 16 . 4/29/2013
Great chapter are you planning to pair yellow 13 with someone of the girls?
1st Lieutenant. Fae chapter 15 . 3/7/2013
Good stuff good stuff.

Like the chapter a lot, but you might want to slow down while typing cause there are a lot of errors here. Its not that your miss spelling anything its just that you type so fast that you repeat lines such as "But I've also decided to revoke her relieve her of her duties as a pilot" where you only need to say "I've also decided to relieve her of her duties".

That jazz aside good chapter and I love to see Mobius' confession that he is terrified of what's to come, but he vows to never back down and continue protecting everyone especially Meia.
hapcelion chapter 2 . 3/5/2013
Just out of curiosity, is it possible for atmospheric aircraft to maneuver and fly in space?
Engineer4Ever chapter 15 . 2/26/2013
oh like that little bitch can do anything now. love the chappy and welcome back
Guest chapter 14 . 2/23/2013
thank you for giving them something to fight for. they needed it. Good job and good luck.
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