Reviews for Expect Miracles
Black Fungus chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
good. thanks
Celestial Secrets chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
Oh, this was great. A subtle, short way of showing Dean's grief over Cas. I'm now off to check out some of your other stories.
Gail LLD chapter 1 . 12/25/2011
I kinda needed something like that right now. So, thank you, it was great. :)
LA Suka chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
This has much depth and feeling to it it's beautiful. :)
midknightowl chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
I call this a how-it-should-have-been fanfiction.

And it damn near made me cry.
Lucifer's Angel Princess chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
I'll I'm going to say is that I started crying and in the end I smiled
Vermilion69 chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
I AM SOBBING! Oh god this is just... This is what needs to happen!
pokeherwithastick chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Excuse me as I'm crying of the beautiful-ness (such a word? Eh.) of this story.
Binx23 chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Beautiful and very believable. Your thoughts on what may happen this season seems almost prophetic and I seriously hope that many of your ideas come to pass. Dean handling Castiel's trenchcoat was heartbreaking and the only time when Dean's mask was fully off. Every other time his grief shows, there is a hard layer of bitter cynicism and gruff indifference. I can only assume that behind all that, in the little moments between scenes that we can only imagine, the cracks in the boys' facades break through. Castiel was part of their family, and sometimes I feel like that the writers give in-cannon claims about the deep hurt residing there, but its mostly all talk and no show. I don't doubt that Dean, Sam and even Bobby grieve the death of their friend, but we are not given enough scenes of that on the show. I even feel like the actors themselves grief Castiel's death more.

GAHH, I can't believe I went off on a tangent like that. Sorry. Anyway, I love this fic and feel like it should be part of canon.
OfficiallyObsessedwithPyro chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
May I just say that if this doesn't happen in canon I will be supremely pissed.
A Literary Love Letter chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
I love you.

I wish I had all the words to tell you exactly how much.

Will you be my Cas? Or shall I be yours? I suppose it depends on the direction we believe the adoration flows the strongest. Have you pulled me up from perdition and remade my heart, or have I fallen to follow you to the end of the world? I want so much to tell you what I see in your writing, in your words and your worlds. How they have touched me, lifted me, reached me when I thought I was so trapped inside myself that no one would ever find me again.

I want to sing to you the way my heart sings when I read what you've written, I want to paint the pyramids with the joy you bring my spirit, I want to create the world anew in your image, so the stars done twice as bright, and love burns twice as long, and no one stumbles over the words that stop two hearts from beating together.

And also, a world in which it is decreed: what Kripke has wrought, let no sera gamble (boo) tear asunder.

I hope this note brings even the slightest modicum of the joy you give me
A Literary Love Letter chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
I love you.

I wish I had all the words to tell you exactly how much.

Will you be my Cas? Or shall I be yours? I suppose it depends on the direction we believe the adoration flows the strongest. Have you pulled me up from perdition and remade my heart, or have I fallen to follow you to the end of the world? I want so much to tell you what I see in your writing, in your words and your worlds. How they have touched me, lifted me, reached me when I thought I was so trapped inside myself that no one would ever find me again.

I want to sing to you the way my heart sings when I read what you've written, I want to paint the pyramids with the joy you bring my spirit, I want to create the world anew in your image, so the stars done twice as bright, and love burns twice as long, and no one stumbles over the words that stop two hearts from beating together.

And also, a world in which it is decreed: what Kripke has wrought, let no sera gamble (boo) tear asunder.

I hope this note brings even the slightest modicum of the joy you give me
Maddy Love Castiel chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
Aw that was so sad when Dean picked the coat out of the water! I loved this! :)
harmonyhelms chapter 1 . 10/2/2011
THIS! I need this to happen SO BAD! Thank you so much for posting this! truely THANK YOU! Words can not discribe how much I needed this!
Blume chapter 1 . 10/2/2011

this is my ideal end after seeing how Dean recovered the trench coat!

I suppose somewher ein the future Cas will get it back, but in the meantime (and considering Boby's house is now gone) then it reast peacefully besides the rocket launcher in the back of Dean's baby!

good ficlet!

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