Reviews for A Technological Singularity
stylo1 chapter 13 . 5/23
why is element zero so groundbreaking if you can manipulate gravitrons
stylo1 chapter 12 . 5/23
take this teleportation device of yours, its basicly an atomic assembler which would revolutionise production. yet you seem to miss this
stylo1 chapter 7 . 5/23
why would a space elevator be 23.000 miles long...
stylo1 chapter 7 . 5/23
plasma is not a laser.

this is so full of bullshit it honestly looks mpre like a crack fic most of the time. the geek in me really liked your idea but practicly there is so much obvious things you are blatently ignoring i just cant take this seriously
stylo1 chapter 4 . 5/23
i dont understand this immortality part, the brain is a computer that is now linked together, if one computer dies there is nothing to connect to thus your mind dies. unless there is a central storage for data that can match a human brain, ppl would still die.
stylo1 chapter 3 . 5/23
why hasnt jeff taken the nanites yet? and him working as a public liason officer, he is an arrogant antisocial asshole that is woreshipped by 1000s of ppl all over the goverment
stylo1 chapter 3 . 5/23
truly i have to slow down my mind so the ppl in your story can catch up
stylo1 chapter 2 . 5/23
you really overdid the stupidity of the army, not fully reading reports, scoffing at ideas you dont understand etc etc. at this point it just doesnt make sense
Face Yourself chapter 15 . 12/13/2019
I like the story pretty well, and I get that you're taking it slow - it was good to see the development of how they got to this point, even if there was a LOT of wasted space in there too - but at this point it all feels like a waste of time since you're focusing solely on a bunch of characters we don't know or care about, when everyone is just waiting for you to get on with events in space rather than boring old planetside.
GDIMartok chapter 22 . 9/3/2019
It's a good story I'm sad to see it died before it could finish. Please bring it back!
Guest chapter 13 . 8/31/2019
Oh right, this is supposed to be a Mass Effect crossover. I forgot that.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
Well this can only go well.
TorrentAB chapter 22 . 8/20/2019
You know, I really enjoyed this story, but honestly my biggest regret about it is that I didn’t get to see the councils reaction to the Borg. It’s what I was looking forward to most and it cuts off right before that. The torture!
alienyouthct chapter 22 . 4/23/2019
Wish this had been continued at some point.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/8/2019
It's such a shame this has been abandoned, it was shaping up to be a fantastic story. :(
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