Reviews for Bent
Butterfly souls chapter 24 . 7/9/2018
Holy smoke! Update
Guest chapter 24 . 7/13/2017
Do you have archive our our own account?
katmar1994 chapter 24 . 7/14/2017
I hope Throttle will go easy on Alice and I love the story since it's funny in most parts.
Wee Auntie chapter 23 . 8/24/2014
Baby-kitsune9. I must say you have a very dark and unique form of writing. To me you are very original in your ideas and you don't hesitate in using them. Please keep up with this story.
ReptilesTheme chapter 22 . 2/9/2014
I've started this story several times, only to stop after the first chapter, I just couldnt really get into it? So tonight I decided to give it another go and finished all 22 chapters, and it turned out to be a great story. I'm really looking forward to updates! It's very dark and twisted, nice and refreshing. The only thing I don't understand, or maybe I'm not sure what you are going for, is what seems to be intenste hostility between Alice and Throttle - in a way it seems to overshadow the spark between them?
SophLH chapter 21 . 2/3/2014
I really like this story... will there be more chapters? :-)
Spades24 chapter 21 . 9/21/2013
gosh Throttle really needs to bring himself under control - he's gone from kidnapping to virtually r*ping her all in the space of a few days, no wonder she's terrified!
Spades24 chapter 20 . 9/21/2013
yay an update! OK OK so I can hardly talk I haven't updating in months (damn lack of time and muse) but yay! Gosh, those mice really have turned into demons haven't they, haha.
Wee Auntie chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
Read all of your current chapters. All I can say is wow. That was gruesome, however I'm enthralled to see what happens next. Is Vinny going to have any flashbacks of him and Charley due to throttles courtship? Please keep up the writing on Bent.
Spades24 chapter 19 . 4/13/2013
oooh yay finally an update - I love this story. Throttle a monster.. yes I like that idea. Hehe.
Spades24 chapter 18 . 6/29/2012
Yay the long-awaited update! *grins* awww dammit though I thought Vinnie was in worse trouble than that... but still... *grins again*
Spades24 chapter 17 . 6/21/2012
omg wow, I can't wait for Throttle to just give in completely to his instincts, and to find out what happened/s to Alice.. but... Please please stop teasing me, I want to know what happens to Vinnie!
Donnusia chapter 16 . 6/19/2012
Jeez, I can't wait for more. I wonder what will be Vinny's punishment. And what will happend between Throttle and Alice. :)
Spades24 chapter 16 . 6/7/2012
Oh wow, I just read this all the way and I gotta say wow its dark but I am totally gripped... waiting for the next chapter with baited breath! More please and quick lol
xXTheSnowQueenXx chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
Hey AWESOME! Update LOVE IT keep up the good work :D

Also could you plz maybe update when you get some freetime could you update Entangled because I've been waiting for so long for that story to get updated but now that it has the story is just mouth watering I can't help reading the old chaps and so all I got to say is DAMN GIRL YOUR STORIE'S ARE AMAZING AWESOMWE MOUTHWATERING!LOVE THEM! I can't go a day without looking at your profile and seeing if you got some updates or some new genius story up! thanks for listening to me rant see ya!
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