Reviews for Let Hope Burn in Your Eyes
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 3 . 8/28/2015
Very frightening chapter but it was also very cute! Can't wait to read more.
XxXSmiles101XxX chapter 3 . 6/1/2014
Brilliant chapter and brilliant story. Please, please, please update soon I really, really want to see more of this amazing, fantastic story :)
metacognitive chapter 3 . 7/10/2013
I absolutely love your characterization! It leaves me wanting more, and while I know this hasn't been updated in quite awhile, I'm still hoping for an update soon :) excellent work!
Bvdbdbdbbf chapter 2 . 4/21/2012

Lola Kristy chapter 3 . 3/22/2012
You have an interesting take on their relationship and though it's quite dark, I like it in a way. :) Charles' father seems like a really bad person :( Does this continue any further? I'm really looking forward to future chapters so please update! :D
Anna chapter 3 . 2/28/2012
I looooved this chapter! omg!
Aaron Tveit's Broadway chapter 3 . 2/26/2012
Loving the stor so far :-) I would have reviewed before but my emails went wonky and I didn't get it until today :-(

Fact of the day - Vicodin is called Codeine in England - Vicodin is the American word for it - I was watching House and got confused so I looked it up :-)

Please carry on - this is amazing!
the14th chapter 3 . 2/9/2012
I love this story so much I'm actually crying... not because Erik beat Charles to a bloody pulp, not even because Charles' is just the most naive and adorable person in the world, no it's pure love for your story that makes me feel like bawling my eyes out - which I actually am doing at the moment, but never mind that. I just saw your author's note from the corner of my eye and... are you bloody kidding me? I mean, I don't want to accuse you of false modesty, from my experience people who write brilliant stories are good people who don't need stuff like that but mate, I can tell you are a highly intelligent person so I trust you realise how BLOODY BRILLIANT this story is! For god's sake, it's the best X-Men fanfic I've read... like, ever? Yes, ever it is! So please please please let me infect you with a tiny bit of the overwhelming love I feel towards this fanfic - you are a brilliant writer and I thank you a million times for sharing this! Having said this I won't take up more of your time, just... please update soon, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to survive without this!

And... AWWWWWW! The both of them are just too adorable! And authentic, I mean yes Charles is a bit... friendly for a hostage but he's just a weird guy (no offence, that's why I love him after all - oh and because strangely enough he looks exactly like James McAvoy hmmm) and I honestly don't find it out of character at all, which is somewhat peculiar but whatever. Okay enough of this I'm babbling! Cheers!
Little Draca chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Really like your story.
Karen121 chapter 3 . 1/29/2012
Charles is really OOC for a kidnapped victim dont u think? And erik is just one psycho (or possibly bipolar). Is Charles developing stockholm syndrome? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with the explain his strange behaviour.
Robin'sStalker chapter 3 . 1/26/2012
Fantastic chapter! *:.。. o()o .。.:*
Alana-kittychan chapter 2 . 12/26/2011
Oh now where is this story going
kyothefallenkit chapter 2 . 12/13/2011
Aw I find it a bit cute. Too bad Charles can't tell him fully about this situation. I can't wait for more X3
LenaRosenthal chapter 2 . 11/9/2011
You may not be fond of this chapter, but I certainly am! It's an entirely new twist on the relationship between Charles and Erik, is beautifully written and not even a sentance could be called cliche! In fact, I've been hopefully refreshing this page for about a week, just in case there has been an update. So instead of continuing to chicken out of sending you a message, I'm going ahead and doing it. :3 It's wonderful, captivating and I've been wondering about it since I first read it. I'm certain all your other reviewers are desperately awaiting the next chapter too! Please keep writing, and don't be so hard on yourself! It's very well written!
IHaveDeactived chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
I really love this story. Like, as much as I love Charles. I love Charles a lot. I mean, like, I have a major crush on him *w*. I just really hope your updates won't be long, because this story is one of my top 3 favorite stories at the moment. I really hope you can update soon. I can't wait until than. I'm off to draw fanart for this. Groovy perfection! -Desiree.
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