Reviews for Let's Go Safari!
Random Peep chapter 10 . 11/11/2015
Demon is AWESOME. XD And loved that Kiba finally saw Ginsu!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/17/2014
Danzou's going to do something stupid, isn't he?
Guest chapter 5 . 4/16/2014
Yeah, "good deed".
Guest chapter 4 . 4/15/2014
So a zoura, another accidental ghost, and MISSINGNO. stories.
This Username Is Classified chapter 6 . 12/10/2013
Alec McDowell chapter 10 . 10/27/2013
Everybody got a great haul in this; it makes a person like me who hasn't gotten a pokemon game since gold and silver super jealous to see all that variety! And Naruto caught another frog pokemon, all he needs now is to get a Poliwag so he can get a Politoed and he'll be set. And I know he's got his Eevee in everstone collars right now but I'm hoping eventually he chooses to evolve them into Espeon for the baby and another Umbreon for Eve- shiny Umbreon are the neatest looking of them all and it would be different enough to not be a clone of Shadow.
Twigon chapter 10 . 10/1/2013
Ken-Ichi is my new favorite. He shouldn't be hanging around with that asshole Katsuro. He caught a Mudkip, he clearly should have better taste than that!

Because we all know Swampert is the God-King of all Pokékind.
Thornado chapter 8 . 7/1/2013
Thornado chapter 6 . 7/1/2013
OH YAY! So cute! I thought it was a shiny eevee but yay I'm so happy Naruto caught it.
Thornado chapter 2 . 7/1/2013
Oh! A shiny eevee! I want Naruto to catch it, but he already has that egg from his parents so I doubt you give him another one... aw... but I hope one of them catches it.
Kintora chapter 10 . 3/15/2013
Every single installment is riveting and I can hardly put any of them down once I pick them up. I still feel awful about Naruto's loss, and I understand his aversion to owning another eevee's, much less two. Hopefully, Naruto will grow to overcome the pain. In other news, I can't wait to see how Kushina breaks the news to her family that she's a mother, and will be marrying a certain league campion who only recently found out he's a father. I spy a follow up story that's not complete yet, though I look forward to reading what chapters you've written for it!
BiblioMatsuri chapter 6 . 3/11/2013
Oh, that absolutely figures. "Tricky fox pokemon" - Naruto had to catch one of those. *snickers*
Epidot chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
I know Naruto is a bit. . . 'not himself' here, but I do love this, where the group do something together. You handle the characters so well. Friendly banter makes it a really nice read.
noshadowone chapter 10 . 7/19/2012
just thinking what a shiny eevee would look best as, i was thinking like a black vaporeon or a metallic silver vaporeon. Plus love how he is still thinking of his mom when he caught the ducklett for her.
Joshua chapter 10 . 2/28/2012
Hey, I was just re-reading 'Freaky Foxes' and Minato's present for Naruto included a luxury ball.

What happened to it?

And if it is still vacant, could it serve as extra encouragement to turn Kitsune's attitude?
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