Reviews for Until tomorrow
Mafuyu15 chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Carottal chapter 41 . 5/5/2015
I don't know when I will be able to send a review written from a keyboard, so I just write this short one now, to tell you that this story is a great read, (I have the epilogue left to read), with loveable characters though annoying sometimes, and a wonderful plot structure.
But also, your story triggers thoughts on trust, burden, chances, beliefs, and dealing with your mistakes.

I loved reading this, and you may receive the long version of this review at some point!
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us here.
Carottal chapter 39 . 5/5/2015
Knew it! (it feels so right to say so)

I never said that Karol is cute or that Rita rocks. Well, they do.
Carottal chapter 37 . 5/5/2015
Seems that I will keep spamming your mail box! I just need to let it go because your chapters are emotionally intense for me.
The heartbreaking scene with Casey and Raven was well, I said it. And I had the biggest spike of adrenaline since the beginning of the story because of the present Rita received. Will she use it? Will she examine it? such suspense!

Well, for what it matters, when I started reading this chapter, I thought of Gavroche. I wonder if Flynn will become some kind of symbol!
I hope Flynn and Yuri will make up soon. I feel that if they don't, more drama is about to come (I mean, apart from the perfume/flu problem). Well I'll see soon enough!

Thanks for the chapter.
Carottal chapter 36 . 5/5/2015
This chapter compelled me to review.
Flynn is so badass! The moment the other citizens arrived, I was sure he'd be among them. I even wonder if he is the reason so many people came (well, I guess he is anyway. He is at least one more person to the mass). So when people started talking, I always wondered if it'd be him. But the scene you gave him was absolutely epic! At some points of the attack, I thought of the movie Les Misérables. It was quite the Revolution!

On another note, I'm surer and surer concerning the cause of the flu. Which makes me very worried for Rita. What is the Duke (can't remember his name) planning to do with the research? And what is the plan? To find and sell a cure? In fact, I'm worried he'd frame Rita by using her research. I hope I'm wrong.

I wish I had discovered this fandom and this fic sooner. Then, I would have had time to tell you all I thought punt wise. As things are, I have neither the time, nor the will to tell you more. I want to get to the next chapter! Thank you for the story
Carottal chapter 33 . 5/5/2015
Le parfum !

It's not usual for me to review in the middle of a chapter, but I can't help myself. The thought, written above (and your use of voilà makes me think you can read it) came to me as I was reading the report. It starts with the users of the perfume. Pia received some. I'm worried.

Anyway, I guess I needed to write this so I could review that I knew it if it happens to be right.

While I am reviewing, I can tell you I enjoy this fic, so long yet so interesting. You are great at mixing different plots at the same time, and I get the feeling everything will link them in the end.

Well, I'll go back to read this chapter, and you can expect one or two reviews from me by the end of the week.
Thank you for the good read!
The Trailblazer chapter 35 . 6/24/2014
Finally getting back to reading this, feels great!
I'm really curious to see how things will go with Raven, I mean, who doesn't have a soft spot for him ;D and also how things will go with Flynn and his mom, will she truly leave him alone for now, or change to a more kind behavior at least. I hope so!
Good thing for me is that you've already written all the chapters so I don't have to stay curious for so long :D
kazune1988 chapter 2 . 4/25/2014
Nice to see Yuri trolling Flynn. Very in character.
kazune1988 chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
A Uni that makes the students wear uniforms. It's AU alright.
siakiba wolfhood chapter 42 . 8/7/2013
i know it's a bit late but if you live in the netherlands then i have a well paying job for ya it's at an home for old people and thier looking for new people (age 13 or higher) and it pays very well if you ask if your not 16 then you'l work part time.
Radomaru chapter 42 . 7/15/2013
YES! This was excellent. It got me hooked instantly...All of the surprises and my own suspicions kept me wanting to read on, so i did...and finally after hours of reading i am here at the end. Flynn and Yuri's struggles man that has got to suck... but still a very good ending... LOVE THIS!
Fuyukichi chapter 42 . 7/7/2013
Oooooh ;_;
Tout est bien qui finit bien, cette fois-ci !
Pauvre Yuri, il revient, il se fait insulter lmao XD
Ca m'attriste que ça soit finis, mais ce sont les aléas de la vie...!

En tout cas, merci à toi pour avoir écrit cette histoire, j'ai passé un agréable moment à la lire et à passer par toutes les émotions possible !
En plus d'écrire bien, tu as une imagination débordante et tu arrives à nous captiver tout le long de l'histoire.

En bref, chapeau bas ! Et encore merci pour cette fantastique histoire ! :D
Fuyukichi chapter 41 . 7/7/2013
Tout est bien qui finis bien !
La dernière lettre d'Elucifer... T_T Heureusement qu'elle existait ! Et Duke...Non non non, je ne veux pas T_T Mais bon, je suppose que pour lui, c'était sa façon de se repentir...

Pia et les enfants sont de retour ! *saute de joie*

Yuri part sous le commandement de Nylen...Wow oO Je ne m'attendais pas à ça XD Mais 3 ans...Ca va être dur, pour Yuri comme pour Flynn, mais il faut voir le bon côté des choses : Yuri pourra repartir du bon pied dans sa future vie avec Flynn :p
Fuyukichi chapter 40 . 7/6/2013
Hourra pour Rita ! Non vraiment, c'est la vraie héroïne de l'histoire :
-Elle sauve Estelle (avec l'aide de Karol et Khroma, okay)
-Elle fait tout pour trouver un antidote.
-Elle a remit Flynn et Yuri ensemble...

Cette fille est vraiment un génie ! (Comment ça, j'exagère ?)

Bon, comme je m'en doutais un peu, Duke savait que Rita mentait...Et la fin ne laisse rien présager de bon...

Et comme je suis maso, je lirais le dernier chapitre et l'épilogue demain, dans la journée èé
Fuyukichi chapter 39 . 7/6/2013
Bon, entre Yuri et Flynn, ça commence à se calmer, ouf !
Rita a trouvé ce qui cloche, il ne reste plus qu'à lui trouver la preuve et à trouver un antidote. Et on y croit !
Estelle qui propose de racheter l'orphelinat...O_O Ceci dit, ils seraient bien traités, je suis sûre !
L'appel de Duke m'a fait peur...Ceci dit, j'ai un mauvais pressentiment quant à cet appel...

Oh et...Nylen ! :D Et ses assistantes, Hisca et Chestel ? Je suis contente ! (Je suis une fan d'Hisca, il ne faut pas chercher à comprendre...XD)
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