Reviews for X Men IV: The Dark Before the Dawn
Just A Girl In A Crystal chapter 11 . 8/14/2019
Fabulous story so far! It’s been a few years since I’ve been to this site and even longer since I’ve been back in the X-Men fanfiction Kingdom. I’ve had a story I’ve been playing around with for a long time and recently got inspired started up again. It had been so long since I watched any of the X-Men shows and movies I was looking for a good story to help remind me of their personalities. And I definitely hit the jackpot with this! I was very pleased to see that you have multiple of these and I cannot wait to devour all of them. This feels very organic with the X-Men universe, although it’s been along time since I’ve seen the original trilogy. I am so glad you have Professor Xavier back! Can’t wait to read the rest and discover more of your stories. Please keep writing!
The Darkness Factor chapter 16 . 7/17/2013
This is a great story! It has the perfect amount of action, plus I like the ensemble cast. I thought it was a fitting end for Magneto, too. Good action, fast-paced, and well-written. Nicely done.
erin chapter 16 . 6/29/2013
That was VERY entertaining to read and I really did enjoy it. I wish Rogue had her powers because she would be GREAT with them in this story! I really love this sooo much! Nice job!
Miranda179 chapter 16 . 12/13/2011
Your story was great, really detailed and interesting. It kept the action going without long boring descriptions, which I hate. Well done. Its better than the film Wolverine I watched, dear oh dear.
Zenappa chapter 16 . 12/4/2011
Meeeeeeppppp! I love it and I'm so happy that you're writing a sequel! Start it very soon please! :)
Zenappa chapter 15 . 12/4/2011
Yay for Gambit! And AngelxKitty is adorbs! Omg I literally like died when I read that :) great writing and I hope it's not over yet!
Zenappa chapter 14 . 12/1/2011
Oh no! Magneto died? This cannot be right! But I love the update, seriously it was so good and I felt like I was in the movie theater watching this at the edge of my seat. I hope once this is over you'll write another. This was soooo good and there'll never be another quite like yours!
Miranda179 chapter 13 . 11/30/2011
You've really captured the way they speak, well done. Particularly Rogue and Nightcrawler.
Miranda179 chapter 11 . 11/26/2011
An intriguing and detailed story, glad to see Gambit, he was always my favourite. Looking forward to seeing where you take this, there are so many interweaving strands!
Zenappa chapter 12 . 11/25/2011
Lol yes we always have to look the part ;) Thank you for the props in the beginning of the chapter. It's okay about Jean, it's the movie's fault for killing her off. But all in all, this is a great story and a great update! I hope Angel doesn't end up evil, he always seemed so innocent to me. Also Angel x Kitty are a great pairing! :) But since Jean is dead, my other favorite pairing is Wolverine x Rogue. Is there any hope for them haha? Please update soon! :)
Zenappa chapter 11 . 11/24/2011
This is such a good story! :) Please update soon! I'm upset Jean isn't coming back... She was my favorite but Kitty and Rogue come in second. But Logan will always come out on top! Logan x Jean are my favorite pairing! :) This is a great story so far and I'm looking forward to reading more!