Reviews for The Eight Phases of the Moon
Nel Tu chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
Hayate...I wish he didn't die!
This story is nice very well done its like the real story of his life that should've been in the anime(I wish) but I completly understand him well you know everybody pities you they think you can't do it but you know you can thats exactly how I feel everybody thinks I'm weak but I know I don't easily break down easily

So there overall great fic keep doing awesome fics like this (the only reason I wanted to see a hayate fic is because I have a fitish for guys who coughs alot)
Eirian Erisdar chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Awesome fic. I've always thought that people tend to dismiss Hayate because he died so quickly. I think you've got his character spot-on, quite an achievement, since there wasn't much to work on from canon. You have this way of highlighting different parts of a person's personality, and for characterisation's sake, it's perfect. Best oneshot I've read in a while.
Mononoke-hime x sukai kurora chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
This was an amazing and breathtaking one-shot.
sasukeisthebestcharacter chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
This is one of the best Hayate fics I've ever come across (not that there are many). It's well-written with great lines and I enjoyed it a lot. Some of my favorite parts were the new moon phase, the "How he came home cocky..." line, "Other days, he coughed up blood," "To someone else... man in a white coat," and actually, let's just say I really like all of it.

Hayate is my all-time favorite character from any series, and it's rare to come across one portrayed in a human, deep, and well-rounded kind of way. He's a minor character and there are a lot of ways you could go with him and still make him believable (which I think is part of the fun), and I loved seeing your Hayate! Thanks!
Silverhero91 chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
Raven: congrats, you mad Silver cry, again. You would think a black belt would be tougher than that.

Silver: Hey it was a *sniff* touching story that made Hayate's death all the sadder. Please keep up the good work Erysimum.
killy chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
Loved this story. Every so often I like to see if any new, non-slash Hayate stories have been added, just because I can't get enough of that guy. I really liked how you wrote Hayate, and the note you ended on seemed fitting. Awesome job.