Reviews for Looking Through My Window In Time
Doctorwhocosplay chapter 13 . 12/4/2015
The 11th doctor should leave with Rose and ten.5 should stay with river and then the 12th doctor shows up without rose (cause he got bored of her and dropped her back of in the parallel universe or something) and has just dropped of Clara and is excited to see them but they aren't but they wind up going with him.
jojolove1000 chapter 12 . 3/11/2014
Ok. Reviewing cuz apparently I have to review or river will cry and I don't want that, cuz she's a bit murderous when she's sad lol
LNA chapter 13 . 7/10/2013
Can you please finish I love this so much please
aintevenbovvered chapter 13 . 7/10/2013
stahp...the feels...they're too much...
heeeeellllppp meeeeeeeee...immm mmeelltiiinnngggg...
StanaBeckett chapter 13 . 6/19/2013
This is a really great story, are you ever going to finish it?
KathyPoison chapter 12 . 10/23/2012
I hate you! How dare you make River stop Amy from punching that bitch square in the gob! Plzzzzzzzzzzzz update! If u want a beta, or someone to help with the chapters, Im up to it ;) Katerina x
Lauraa-Jaynee chapter 12 . 7/26/2012
Hi this is really fantastic. I really hope you can find time to continue it soon. I really want to find out what happens next. It would be great if jack turned up like you mentioned a few chapters before. Anyway this truly is incredible. Hope you can finish it. :)
Penelope Grace chapter 13 . 7/15/2012
Hi this story is really fantastic. I really hope you can continue it soon because I'd love to find out what happens next. I really enjoyed the story so far. Is there any chance Jack could make an appearance. River and he are my favourites. :)
StanaBeckett chapter 12 . 3/31/2012
Don't stop there! I have to know what happens!

Amazing Job!
MelodieJayne chapter 13 . 3/8/2012
Please update it soon it's amazing
Melodie-Jayne chapter 13 . 2/4/2012
hi i hope you can continue this story soon because it is really fantastic.
Ralta chapter 13 . 2/4/2012
I really really love your story, and I hope you will continue it!

For the story, do whatever you want to Rose, I HATE HER!

You can use the 10 Doctor to get the 11 one jealous, it is always funny when he is jealous of himself!
kehwie chapter 13 . 1/26/2012
I know you said you were really busy and that it would be awhile before you got back to this. I totally understand that and look forward to your continuation.

Since you also mentioned being slightly stuck and not wanting to be too mean to River, how about your plan of River calling Jack for help? He could come be all heroic and flirty and generally soothe River's hurt feelings (while giving the Doctor a reason to be jealous). I also like how TenII is taking up for River.

I hope your new job is going very well for you!
DaniiA chapter 13 . 12/23/2011
It's ok by me that this wasn't a new chapter because you plan to write more! It had been a while & I was concerned you might have quit. This truely is a wonderful story because you want want to find out what happens next.
Arshmeen chapter 11 . 12/23/2011
I can't believe I haven't stumbled upon this one before! I love it :)

I feel that you're doing a really good job of balancing out the characters and showing that all of them can be at fault, not just one person :p

Also, your TenToo and Rory are adorable!
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