Reviews for The Carving River
Apathyisdeath chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
Gah, this was so sad yet beautifully-written.
Sarah1281 chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
This was hard to read. Poor Gorim, poor Danra. And he's even happier with the wife, huh? But I guess he doesn't have to hide with her. I like your description of his wounds. In the game he really does seem like he's fine.
SiggiChurchill chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
This was beautifully written. I absolutely adored it. Of course, that probably spawns out of a sense of bias. Aeducan was my favorite of all the origin stories in addition to Mahariel. Seriously made me cry.

I admit, I was pissed off when Gorim told me he was married. Of course, I went straight to Denerim from Lothering, so it had only been like two months tops since I'd last seen him. No matter, it doesn't change the fact that this is a wonderfully written fic.